♞ [27] Kanato's Intentions♞

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"Human emotions...tch... I can't believe I let those two brothers of mine get in my mind." Kanato muttered staring at the bear (Y/n) had given him.

"What's that? You think they may be right? Being human makes me feel more emotions?" Kanato held the bear in front of him on his bed. Kanato seemed to be having a private conversation with his bear.

"Maybe...you're right," Kanato spoke on to his bear.

"Say...I still don't have a name for you. How about....Mr.Bear?"

Kanato smiled, almost like he assumed his bear liked that name. "I knew you'd like that name Mr.Bear."

Kanato giggled and hugged his bear. "Ahh...what should I do Mr.Bear? I miss (Y/n)-chan... Ayato-kun and Laito-kun went to look for her but got destroyed by the founders."

"...And Karlheinz... that despicable man just wants to see us suffer." Kanato's mood changed drastically hugging the 'life' out of his bear. "Ayato and Laito better get healed fast, so we can go see that man already...what? What's that Mr.Bear?"

"You think we should help Ayato and Laito get better faster?"

"That's preposterous Mr.Bear! After that conversation, we had last time..."

"Yes you're right Mr.Bear I do love them... But I love them so much I am extremely disgusted by them. In fact, I love them so much, I want them to suffer and die."

Kanato rolled his eyes at Mr.Bear, "Fine Mr.Bear if you insist." Kanato picked up Mr.Bear and muttered,

"Teddy was never this demanding when he was alive...Okay, I'm sorry Mr.Bear I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

As Kanato walked down the halls he continued his conversations with Mr.Bear.

"Mr.Bear don't cry. I was just being moody since (Y/n)-chan isn't here."

"Kanato. What are you doing?" Reiji saw him out in the hall. "Ahh, Reiji-san. Mr.Bear has convinced me to help my brothers get better."

"In that case, can you give this medicine to them? It should speed up their healing." Reiji handed me a tray of medicine.

"Yes...Of course." I took the try with one hand and headed to the room. "How dare he put this kind of responsibility on me... Reiji is so lazy." I said annoyed.

"Okay Mr.Bear I get it, you don't have to scold me." I stared down at Mr. Bear. Jeez, Mr.Bear was kinda judgey, and he talks a lot too.

I opened the door and Laito and Ayato were surprised to see me. "Oi, Hysteric where's four-eyes?"

I smiled at them and handed them the medicine, "I've decided that since I'm your full-blood brother I should take care of you to heal faster. Mr.Bear gave met the idea."

Ayato and Laito looked at the bear and Ayato muttered, "Damn Bear..."

"What did you say about Mr.Bear?!?!"

"Calm down Kanato," Mr.Bear said.

"Alright, Mr.Bear... I'll calm down."

"Holy. Fuck. Did you hear that?" Ayato looked at Laito. Laito nodded and looked at Mr.Bear.

"You're bear actually talks!" Laito said.

"I know that. Teddy talked too, didn't you notice?"

Laito shook his head, and I clicked my tongue. "Mr.Bear and I thought of good ways for you to get better!" I exclaimed with a wide smile.

"What do you suppose we do?" Laito asked.

"I'm going to take you to the kitchen and make sweets! You guys can eat them all!" I said happily.

"Alright, that doesn't sound too bad," Laito said.

== 2 hours later ==

"I c-can't eat anymore! I'm too full!" Ayato said, arching his neck away from the cake.

"You only ate 1 whole cake, 2 pies, 3 bowls of pudding and 7 cookies!" I shouted in anger.

"Kanato-kun..we can't eat any-MMph!" I shoved a bite spoon of pudding in his mouth.

"I bothered to cook so much for you two! You are both ungrateful brothers! You should die!" I said slamming the plate of cake on the floor.

"Now now Kanato. This won't make them heal faster." Mr.Bear said.

"But Mr.Bear-"


"Your bear is right, K-kanato." Laito swallowed down the pudding.

"Thanks, Hysteric...even though you may have given us diabetes, we understand you have your own way of caring," Ayato said, coughing a bit.

"You're very welcome." I smiled, happily.

"Kanato, I think Ayato and Laito are done healing." Mr.Bear said. Unknownst to them, Mr. Bear had pointed his little-stuffed paw at Ayato.

"Uh, I don't think so," Ayato said.

"Try walking Ayato, I used my bear magic on you." Ayato looked skeptically at Mr.Bear and stand to get up. Successfully he did and looked at the bear in complete shock.

"That's not normal." He pointed to Mr.Bear.

"Talking toys aren't normal." Laito rolled his eyes.

"Mr.Bear is not a toy! He's much more than that!" I yelled, hugging Mr.Bear. 

Mr.Bear then pointed his paw once more, this time at Laito.

"Walk Laito-chan," Mr.Bear said.

Hesitantly, Laito stood up and he was perfectly fine. "Now we can go see that old man!" Ayato cheered. He was so loud, that everyone came out of the room to see what was going on.

"How the hell are you healed?" Yuma said coming downstairs.

"It was Mr.Bear!" Ayato pointed at Mr.Bear on the counter.

Subaru looked at Ayato with ridiculously, wondering why he was being a weirdo,"Now just what fucking drugs did you take-"

Subaru was cut off when he heard Mr.Bear, "It's true... I healed them." Mr.Bear said.

"Dear God..." Azusa looked at the bear.

"Aww, it's cute!~" Kou was about to pick it up until I snatched Mr.Bear away from him. "Don't touch him!"

"Kana-chan!~~ Why can't I play with Mr.Bear?!" Kou pouted.

"I will murder you." I glared sharply.

"Silence, we should be on our way now, since you are both healed," Reiji said walking downstairs. He opened the door and was about to call a familiar when he realized he couldn't do that anymore. They didn't have a driver.

"Don't worry I know a guy," Ayato said taking out (Y/n)'s cell phone and started dialing.

"Hey Steve, can you do me a favor?"


"Pitiful...the only way for me to communicate with the living world is through a bear..." Giesbach muttered. Looking down into the pool of water.

"*Sigh* Whether I like it or not, this is the only way to help (Y/n)." Giesbach tore his gaze away from the pool of water at his feet and stared up into the endless skies in thought. A soft breeze blew by, causing his strawberry-blonde hair to sway.

"I wonder where you are now (M/n)...."

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