♞ [22] Plot Twist! ♞

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"Laito stop following me for god's sake! Go look for her on your own!"

"Nfu~ Now now Ayato, wouldn't be faster if we both look for her? Who knows we might run into trouble!"

"Oh, well would you look at that!" A familiar, haunting voice said. Laito and Ayato immediately turned around and saw Shin, with Carla standing not to far behind him.

"You.... I thought we killed you two." Ayato grit his teeth, as he stared the founders down with hostility.

"Very funny. Simple vampires killing beings like us? Like that would-wait" Shin's arrogant smirk was replaced with one of confusion

"Do you smell that Nii-san?" Shin sniffed the air and looked at Carla.

"I do. Their scent is not one of a vampire anymore. They smell human."

"Hehe..." Shin chuckled darkly.

"Guess this will make this easier." Shin cracked his knuckled and approached Ayato and Laito.

"I bet you assholes are the ones who took (Y/n)!" Ayato was about ot swing his fists at Shin, when Laito grabbed him and pulled him back.

"What are you doing Laito?" Ayato said trying to escape his grip.

"I'm saving you Ayato. We're human now. Don't do anything stupid." Laito said seriously. Ayato stopped his struggle against Laito and cooled off a bit.

"What if we were the ones that took her? What would you do?"

"Why you-" Laito tightened his hold on Ayato.

All this time Carla had remained quiet, staring off to the distance, completely uninterested in what was happening.

"You probably know something don't you!" Ayato yelled at Carla.

Carla sent a sharp glare towards Ayato and spoke, "Eve in not within our hands as of now, but we know where she is and she will be ours." Carla said.


"Ayato shut the hell up." Laito said.

"If we die here, we won't get the chance to search for her." Laito muttered underneath his breath.

"Tch, you're a nuisance. Shin have a little mercy and leave them breathing for a bit. Otherwise just toy with them until their left to their last breath." Carla said and teleported out.

Shin looked at Ayato and smirked.

"I'll give you twenty seconds to run."

"Like hell I'm running."

"You're making a mistake." Shin glared.

"I don't care."

"(Y/n)!!!~" Someone said entering the house. I walked out of the living room and saw a guy with strawberry blonde hair, a gold eyeglasses and an eyepatch? He wears an eyepatch over his glasses? How The hell does that work?

"Who are you?" I asked, stepping closer to him.

"Oh.. so you don't remember me?" He said leaning in, smirking a little. I blushed at his close proximity. He was really handsome... but he didn't seem normal. He seemed to be vampire like me.

"I don't."

"Well I lost my memory." I said timidly. Should I know this person.

"I can't believe him...He has the nerve to kidnap you from me and then erase your memory!" He said in a distressed manner.

"A-are you talking about Azul?" I said.

"Azul... that bastard used me. He made me believe we were friends and that he kidnaps my mate away from me... I'll never forgive him." The man said taking me in his arms.

"Listen baby, he's coming soon so I'm going to have to get going. Keep your guard up around him, I'll come back and save you."

He kissed your forehead and I remained confused as ever. He was heading to the window to leave, when I stopped him.

"Wait your name!" I said, grabbing onto the back of his jacket. He looked back and smiled at me sweetly, "Shin. Don't forget it. I'm your actual mate by the way sweetie."

With that he took off into the night.

"(Y/n) what was that?" Azul's voice was heard from the kitchen.

"Nothing Azul!"

I said before scurrying into the kitchen to help him with dinner.

Shin's P.o.v

Heh... I like the new (Y/n), she're more obedient and timid. I can't say if I like this new (Y/n) better though. The old one annoying, but entertaining. She kept things fresh. Ahhhh it doesn't really matter. We just need the Eve so we can continue the blood of first founders.



Ayato opened his eyes and he was in Reiji's lab. He looked beside him and saw Laito passed out.

"Hey, wake up asshole." He shook his brother. Laito opened his eyes and tried sitting up, but felt a grave pain in his chest laid back down.

"What happened?" Laito asked.

"Those assholes are what happened. Just they wait, when we're vampires again we'll get back at them, and when (Y/n) makes me Adam, they're really gonna be dead."

"Hm? What makes you think she'll choose you.~" Despite being injured, Laito still managed to piss off his older brother.

"Fuck you!"

"So it seems you're both awake." Reiji walked in.

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