♞[3] Make me ♞

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!____ Your P.o.v ____!

"Yuma get under the damn blankets, I can't pull the sheets up." I complained.

"I'm already comfortable." He responded.

"And I'm not."

"I don't care, just come closer to me for warmth if your so cold.."

"I'm already under the blanket though."

"Just stop your complaining and come closer to me!"

"Well then fine, Mr. Grumpy pants." I got out from under the blankets and scooted closer, "You're not going to get any warmer like that, get closer."

"If you say so." I scooted closer so that there was no space between us. Yuma wrapped his arms around me and, wrapped mines around him. We are just having a friendly warmth hug. This doesn't mean anything. It's just to stay warm right? I blushed lightly.

What if he likes me?




HAAAAAHAHAHAAHAHA. That's very funny, but no. No one can like me, I am far too great for anyone to like.

I buried my face in Yuma's chest and sniffed him. He smelled really nice. He probably just showered. I wonder what soap he uses. Actually now that I think about, we probably use the same soap-

"Did you sniff me?"


"Stop it, that's weird."

"You smell really nice." I complimented him. He smacked me on the back of the head lightly, " I said stop doing weird stuff."

"I was just complimenting you, you should be thankful."

"You sniffed me."

"I did, and you smell nice"

"Are you like a dog?"

"I am human. Would you feed off a dog Yuma? That's silly question."

"You know what. Just sleep (Y/n), I don't have enough energy to have stupid conversations. I smashed too many walls and tables today."

"*light breathing*"

"Oh she fell asleep." Yuma soon fell asleep after.

____ The next morning ____

"Everyone silence themselves. I will not allow such behavior at the table!" Reiji said standing up, from the end of the table. Ruki entered the dining room with more plates of food. Everyone kept talking anyway.

"Thank you Ruki-kun." I said taking some of the deep fried prawn from him.

"That's Ruki-sama to you."

"Oh sorry, thank you Ruki-sama, Hey wait! I stopped calling you that last year!"

"I was simply testing you." Ruki shrugged me off, and sat between Yuma and I.

(Seating arrangement= Longside: Ayato,Laito,Kanato, Subaru, Shu. Other long side: Kou( in front of Ayato), Azusa, (Y/n), Ruki, Yuma. Reiji sits at the end on the short side. )

After, they all got up, to go to school except Shu. Shu's 20 now. He's old. I'm seventeen, so I'm stil young.. I'm still the youngest here. They're vampires so....it's like a bunch of centuries or something? I don't know.

Everyone left to their limos, and then the butler I never really saw came out and took the plates.

"Hey." I greeted the butler. leaning my elbows on the back of the chair, putting my feet up on the table.

"..." He looked at me questionably, with a 'Why are you talking to me?' face.

"He's a familiar. They don't talk unless we tell them to." Shu said, getting up out of his chair. I got up out of mine, and followed him down the walls, Might as well waste my time with him, until the others get back from school.

Shu didn't mind me, as I followed him out into the garden. It was 12' o clock right now so the moon was up high. I kept following him through the paths of the gardens and soon we were at a little secluded area with gray pavement and benches leading up to short stairs leading up to a patio . Shu sat down on the stairs and leaned his against the side of the wall.

I sat down in front of him on the ground and watched him doze off.

"Hey.. Shu..?"


"Does Yuma know about his past with you?"

"I don't know."

"Do you want him to know?"

"I don't care."

"You say that you don't care, but you really do." I fired back. He opened one of his eyes at me but closed it right after.

"You're really bored aren't you?"

"No I just want someone to talk to-"

"Silence." Shu suddenly pulled me into his lap kissed me on the lips. He moved his lips against mine that remained still. He licked the bottom of lip for permission, but before I could deny he shoved his tongue into my mouth anyway. Shu trailed his hands down my back towards my bottom and squeezed. I kept still in his arms as he pulled away.

I finally snapped back to reality and realized what happened. I know this isn't the first kiss I've had with him, but why? I don't even know what we are. I don't even know what my relationship is with him, or any of them for the matter. I like to think I'm friends with all of them, but I think that's going to change soon.

I brought my hands up to my cheeks and realized I was blushing. Shu chuckled at my expression and muttered, "Cute.."

Did I hear that correctly? Did Shu call me cute? I tried to escape out of Shu's lap, but he pulled me closer to his chest and wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

"Just a little longer (Y/n)."

I've never seen Shu like this before.

I didn't move as he hugged me close to him. Shu was obviously asleep because he always is asleep. I sat there in his lap, bored.

I mean I think any other girl would be pretty excited and nervous to be in a hot guys lap but.... I'm not like any other girl as you can tell. Wait I still have that marker from yesterday... should I draw a mustache on him? Hell yeah!

I stealthily took the marker out of my front pocket and took off the marker. I popped off the cap and the tip of the marker almost touched Shu's face, when he suddenly awoke.

"What are you doing?"

"What am I doing? What are YOU doing?! I'm doing nothing at all." I threw the marker somewhere in the bushes.

"Stop it."

"Stop what."

"Stop being noisy."

"Make me."

Shu huffed in annoyance. "If you don't stop I'll bite you." You froze. Not gonna get bit today. It still hurts when I get bit, but not as much. I'm getting used to the pain. But I heard once I choose Adam and become a vampire, it won't really hurt anymore. I don't think I'm ready to be a vampire either. So I'll just keep stalling until I'm ready to choose.

Without warning, Shu bit down anyway. I grabbed his shirt as a reflex and shut my eyes. It doesn't hurt that much anymore. But I started to feel drowsy... He should probably stop soon before I pass out...-

Everything faded to black

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