♞ [51] Demon Circle♞✦

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[Second Person P.o.v]

"No, you idiot! That transcription over there is wrong!" Kino shouted at Yui.

"Well, I'm sorry your highness!" Yui said sarcastically.

"Since you've used proper formalities I'll forgive you for now," Kino said simply not taking note of the sarcasm. One thing he and Ayato had in common; The inability to sense sarcasm.

"Yui went over to fix the transcription written on the floor of the ground.

Now just what the hell were they doing and where the fuck are they?

Well as of the moment, Kino, Azul, and Yui were on a basketball court at your local park, inscribing demon circled into the ground with devil's chalk.

So basically your average thursday night.

They all thought the coast would be clear and that they'd have no issue with people coming by, but they were wrong.

"Yo Denji! There's some random chick here drawing some demon circles on the courts! How the hell are we gonna play ball?!"

"I don't know Hibiki! Maybe we should just ask her to leave,"

The brown haired teenager approached Yui and Yui sent him 'fuck off' look, but he paid no mind to it. Damn, sucks for him.

"Uh lady, I was wondering if you and your friends could go draw demons circles somewhere else—"

"HYAAAAHHH!" Yui punched him in the face and knocked him out.

"Holy fudge balls Hibiki—"

"HYAAHHHH!" Yui roundhouse kicked the guy in the stomach and he fell backward and his head on the basketball pole knocking him out.

" *Phew* That's taken care of!" Yui wiped away an invisible sweat drop and dusted off her hands as if they'd been tainted.

"Hey, Azul-kun! Can you hide these passed out bodies for a moment!" She said nonchalantly.

"Sure— WAIT BODIES?!— "

"Just do it Azul! We're running out of time, this has to be done by midnight!" Kino said irritatedly.

"Alright, Alright... I'll go hide the bodies..." Azul said with a pout, before going off to hide them in the bushes.

While Azul did that, Kino read the incantation over and over in his head, getting prepared to travel back in time.

"Stupid Father's gonna get it for not giving me what I wanted..." Kino complained.

Yui looked at him expectantly, "What even happened between you and your dad?"

"He said he'd give me his Eternity pocketwatch, but clearly that was a lie, he told me he would have to hold on to it for a couple more centuries,"

(The pocket watch Karlheinz has is not called the Eternity pocket watch, I don't remember what it was actually called, but he did have a pocket watch that could alter time. )

"And so I'm guessing that pocket watch can revert time?" Yui asked.

"Yes, as the title indicates it does..."

"Why do you want to revert time Kino...?" Yui asked.

"Why do you care?" Kino sneered.

"I don't, but I'm gonna die in a couple hours, so you won't lose anything telling me," Yui said smugly, crossing her arms.

"Ah, I guess you're right,"

"I wanted to reverse time so I could stop my friend from dying. His name was Yuuri... A couple years after his death, I realized my mistakes...and I suppose I thought with the pocket watch of time I would be able to save him..."

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