♞[10] You're not alone♞

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"Where are you taking me?" I laid limp in his hold. After getting taken and teleported to random places in the past year, I've learned no matter how how hard I try to fight back, in never ends in my favor. So why should I try? The worst that could happen is I get bit and die, and I'm not afraid of dying. Dying is for losers.Oh wait. I have friends that died. Well theen, I guess dying is for winners?

Then that would make me a loser, and I'm not a loser. I need to stop thinking about random shit.

"Prey does-.."

"Prey does not need to know where they are being taken. Why do you always say that? You say it too often."

"I wouldn't have to say it, if you didn't keep asking where you're being taken to."

I sent him a sly glare, "Touché."

He rolled his eyes once more. I looked around and we were in the old Mukami Household. It looked a little dusty, but otherwise the same.

"Why are we here?" I asked him.

"Stop asking questions." Still in his arms, he lead me through the familiar halls. I looked around, curious to where he was bringing me. I finally looked ahead and was met with the haunting room where he locked me up in.

Fear instantly took over my mind and I started to struggle in his arms.

"N-No! Ruki, let me go! DON'T PUT ME BACK THERE!!!" I tried to get out of his arms, but his hold was stiff.

"Calm down (Y/n). It's not what you think." He finally got to the front of the windowless room and threw me inside.

"R-RUKI PLEASE STOP!!!" I tried to run out through the only exit, but he was obviously blocking my path.

One of Ruki's hands covered my eyes and the the sound of a door shutting was heard.

I felt my eyes water,at the thought of being alone again.


"I'm right here (Y/n)." Ruki whispered in your ear. I hadn't realized he actually locked the two of us in the room together.

"I never got to apologize properly to you for locking you up all alone." Ruki kissed the top of your hand.

"But.. why like this?... why here?"

"I wanted to show you that even in the darkest places, you are never alone. I will always be beside you for eternity. Not even death can pull the two us apart (Y/n). Centuries ago in your first life, we were together although, it wasn't the relationship we have now, we were together. Death had tried to tear us apart but, it has failed, because look at us. Here we are, side by side, together..."

________ Second Person P.o.v______

IN the dark, without you knowing, Ruki stood up and kissed you on the lips. You were unsure, of how to respond, until our heard your own voice in your head.

To put it frank, 'Past self' was talking to you again.

'(Y/n)... kiss him back... show him love...' she whispered. Happy to hear her screwing with your head again after a year, you kissed Ruki back willingly and melted into the kiss.

"Ruki..!~" You moaned into the kiss. Ruki pinned you against the wall and pressed his body against yours, feeling you from up to down.

As Ruki kissed you, you could feel his every emotion for you course through him with his actions.You forgot about being alone. You almost forgot about your fear completely, but fear is something that will always come to haunt you.

"Silence..if you say my name, I won't be able to hold back.." He whispered huskily in your ear, causing you to get a little excited.

Ruki moved his lips to your neck and licked around. He nibbled and sucked, while you tried to hold back moans.

"Mmm..." You let one slip out.

To your dismay, the pleasure was replaced by pain, when he sank his fangs into your flesh. He drank away at your blood, savouring the sweet taste that hit his tongue. While he was doing this, you could feel sleep take over you.

Although you had got bitten you weren't upset. You got your friend back, and you've come to realize,

'You weren't alone anymore.'

"I love you (Y/n)." You heard Ruki's faint voice echo through your ears, as you fainted.

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