♞[1] Papamaki is back♞

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A/n; Welcome to Sweet Silence. This is a sequel book to Sweet Talker, if you haven't read that, you should go check that out. Please Vote, follow and comment. Thank you for all the support .


◉◉◉ (Y/n)'s P.o.v ◉◉◉

It's been one year since the Tsukinamis were found dead, and Karlheinz finally found out. He also figured out the Adam and Eve plan, hadn't ended since I still didn't choose Adam, but heyyy it wasn't my fault the tree just decided to go and die! Yeah that's right, a tree stopped me from choosing the love of my life.

But still, at the time I don't think I would've been able to choose, I just don't know who I love. I mean I love everyone, they're all my friends, but.... It's hard to say.. Also it's been a year since Yui passed as well. I have no one to complain about periods to, no one to talk about how stupid the brothers can be, and no one to save anymore. It kinda sucks. But I know if I were moping around being sad, Yui would whine about it, so I still do my best to be happy.

Anyway, back to what I was saying, Karlheinz figured out I got the Tsukinamis killed for him. SO he's throwing this party thing! Yup..., to celebrate their death! But no one going to the party knows that. They think he's just throwing a party for the hell of it, but hey at least I'm invited!

So here I am standing in a super fancy red dress, staring myself in the mirror.

"Beatrix, do you think it looks nice?" I asked the mirror. I knew no one would respond though. She's also gone, like a lot of other people in my life.


"I think you look quite beautiful." I turned around and saw Reiji.

"Oh hi Reiji." I greeted, waving at him.


"I believe it's best if we head down now, all the guests have arrived." Reiji offered his arm to me, and I hooked my arm onto his. We exited the room and walked through the hall, slowly descended down the stairs, side by side.

No, we did not go down the stairs like a prince and princess, where people would all stop and stare. I'm not a princess. This is not a fantasy.

Everyone continued chatting and drinking in their fancy ballroom dresses,and suits. ALSO did I mention this was a masquerade ball, so I have mask on. The mask was pretty nice, it was red with a black outline and white jewel lining the top. It was also had silver sparkles on it.

Reiji let go of my arm and spoke, " I'm afraid I have some guests who wanted to see me, I'll be off. Please do not cause any commotion like you normally do."

"PSH! Me cause a commotion! You're kidding! I would never!"I shouted. Some people looked at me.

"Lower your voice." Reiji glared, and walked off.

"Blah...blah..I'm Reiji and I'm a tableware-otaku..." I muttered to myself.

"Oi (Y/n)." I turned around and saw Ayato.

"Sup peasant." I greeted with a charming wink.

"You little shi-" Laito snuck up behind Ayato and covered his mouth.

"-Now now Ayato, you know what Karlheinz said about cursing during the party!~ The guests might be offended and Karlheinz might punish you.~"

"Hehhehe, yeah Ayato! No cursing during the party." I smirked at him. Ayato glared at me. Ayato escaped from Laito's hold and grabbed me by my wrists pulling me close.

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