♞ [20] Amnesia ♞

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Second Person P.o.v

"Who are you?" You opened your eyes and were met an unfamiliar face. He was an attractive boy with light bluish-cyan hair and soft, pale-pink eyes. He sent you a gentle smile, before speaking.

"Are you okay?"

His voice was smooth and had this genuine tone to it. Overall his voice was really nice. "Do you remember me?" He asked.

You shook my head, meaning no. "Do you remember who you are?" Once more you nodded no.

"Well firstly, you're name is (Y/n) (M/n) (Sakamaki/Mukami)." You furrowed your eyebrows trying to think, (Sakamaki/Mukami)...

Sounds familiar.

"Who are you?" You repeated.

"I'm Azul kageyama, your boyfriend." He smiled cheekily, revealing fangs.

His aura is so warm, I just want to be with him forever...What the hell am I thinking?

Then you suddenly took notice of his teeth."Fangs." You whispered under your breath.

"Yeah... I'm a vampire (Y/n), and you are too." He pointed at your mouth. Hesitantly you opened your mouth and stuck your finger trying to feel for fangs. A surprised expression came over you when you found the fangs, and Azul chuckled.

You brought your attention back to him and he leaned in, millimeters apart. You stood still, and he whispered something to you, "You're really cute y'know? I wish you still remembered me." His hot breath hit your lips and you blushed in embarrassment.

"S-sorry." You backed away, suddenly feeling shy.

What the hell happened? Was this truly the (Y/n) we all know?

"Are you hungry?"

You nodded, still avoiding to say anything. It seemed like you didn't enjoy talking at all. Azul offered you his hand and you took it, and he led you to the dining table.

There laid [a/some] (f/m)

You smiled instantly and sat down and started eating. Azul laughed and saw in front of you and began to dig into his food.

After Dinner

You wandered around the house and saw pictures of you and Azul all throughout the halls and living rooms. The thing was, only you and he was in the pictures. Did you guys not have any other friends?

"Hey, Azul-kun?" You called out and he walked in from the bedroom.


"In these pictures, it's only you and me, do we not have any other friends?"

Bashfully, Azul looked away and laughed a bit. "Well, you see (Y/n) you and I are kind of introverts... We actually used to be best friends before we started dating. We were always okay with each others company, we didn't really need anyone else to be happy."

"Wow... we must have loved each other a lot." You remarked.

"Well we still do, but you just don't remember yet!" Azul smiled, ruffling your hair. Azul seemed to be smiling a lot.

The sight of his happiness filled you with joy and you smiled too. The sudden happiness, however, was broken by a yawn.

Although you just woke up from blacking out you were sleepy.

"Can I go to sleep now?"

"Yeah.. but um y'see we actually share a bed."

"I don't mind. We're dating right? So it's okay." You said, rubbing your eyes. Azul took your hand and led you to your guy's bedroom. "Here." He handed you some pajamas and you went to the bathroom to change.

Upon return, Azul was already in the sheets with his arms behind his head looking up at the ceiling.

You slipped into the sheets beside him and turned onto your eyes looking at the lamp. It was very dark in the room but you were able to make out a ring on the bedside table.

"What's this?" You asked taking the ring into your hands. Azul looked at what was in your hands and spoke, "Well it's a promise ring I gave to you a while back."

"Promise ring? To promise what?"

"I-I well-"In the dark you were were able to make out Azuls embarrassed face. You leaned in and he cleared his throat.

"I promised to ask you to marry me the second we're old enough." He was very close to you. But it felt familiar, yet different. The closeness felt familiar, but it seemed off coming from him.

"How old are we?"

"So far we're 16 centuries years old now."

"Oh wow, I forgot we were vampires." You poked at your fangs again, except you poked too hard and now your finger was bleeding.

Azul's eyes glowed pink and he took your finger into his mouth.Sucking the blood, but not biting.

Since there really wasn't any pain you let him do so. You looked at him curiously and he pulled back from your finger it was healed.

"Listen (Y/n). There will be a time for you to feed off of blood. As of now, we're mates so we feed off each other." Azul said.

"So we suck each other's blood?" You asked.

"Yeah." Azul said.

"Hmmm... okay. But what was that you did? You healed my finger." You pointed out.

"I have healing saliva, and you used to too, but since you forgot everything it might not be the same."

"Oh." You pouted sadly. Azul laughed and leaned closer to you so you're bodies were touching. He kissed your forehead and wrapped his arms around you in a warm embrace.

"I'll teach you everything (Y/n), don't worry. For now, just sleep."

You returned his embrace and nuzzled your face into his chest. "Good night."

For some odd reason, this all felt very natural for you to be doing. But it seemed off, like you were doing it with the wrong person.

Anyway... who knew Azul was such a good liar? Almost everything he said was a lie.

"I love you (Y/n)." He whispered before falling asleep.


☾☾☾☾ With Kino-kun!~ ☾☾☾☾

"Oh, so that girl already lost her memories. That means this girl here should have forgotten hers too."

Kino got off his chair and started to go down the halls of his mansion, to see the girl.

She was in bed and she sat up, looking like she had just woke up. She rubbed her head in discomfort and immediately realized someone else was in the room.

Kino smirked at her, as he walked to her.

Before he could say anything, she spoke first.

"Who am I?"

Kino paused before answering,

"Yui Komori."

Sweet Silence|| Diabolik Lovers x reader || вooĸ 2 ||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora