♞ [18] ??? ♞

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"Azul- what the hell?" I blinked rubbing my eyes.

She still remembers me? Overtime she was supposed to forget all her memories of her past and start off 'new' That was one of the later effects of the potion.

"(Y-Y/n) You still remember me?"

"Of course, how could I forget you? But what's happening?"

** Your p.o.v**

"I'll explain when we get to my house." Confused I let Azul carry me in his arms as he flew across the sky. I thought only pure vampires could fly during a full moon? I guess I was wrong.

"Are you ever going to tell me how you became a vampire?"

Azul looked at me nervously, "H-hey now.. You're a vampire too and I'm not asking you so I don't have to tell you!" Azul said, trying to steer away from my question.

"Well I don't mind tell- WOA" Azul jumped high on a building and suddenly teleported somewhere. I shut my eyes tight and opened them after a minute.
"Warn me next time." I said getting down and realized we weren't in a vampire mansion like usual. It was actually a normal house. I just got so used to living in vampire mansions that I never expected this.

"I like your house." I said walking around.

"Thank you." He said shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Where are your parents?" I asked. He stiffened immediately but responded, "They're dead."

At first I felt really bad for asking, but then I remembered my parents are dead too so...

He looked down at the ground and I instinctively brought my hand under his chin to make him look up at me. I smiled at him with a closed eye smile and spoke, "Mine are dead too!"

Well, that probably made me look like a psychopath. Oh well.


"Yeah, they just disappeared one day when I was younger." I said.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, why?"

"Because that's what happened to me too."


"Oi peasants." I turned around and saw this handsome guy who I knew was a vampire. I mean from my experience I can kinda tell who's a vampire and who's not.

"Kino-san..." Azul looked down at the floor, shrinking back a little. I don't know who this guy is but he doesn't look too good.

"YOU'RE A PEASANT!" I said pointing at him angrily. He glared at me instantly and marched his way over to me, his boots making large sounds.

"Silence yourself human, do you know who you're talking to?"


"Well that's cuz he is! Now silence yourself! I am higher than you so don not speak to me like that human!"

" I'm a vampire just so you know! If you're so high, then why weren't you able to see that! I showed him my pearly fangs arrogantly. Ayato's rubbing off on me. That's no good. Or was I always like this?

"W-what? How? You don't give off a vampire scent or aura."

"Kino-san what are you even doing here?" Azul asked.

"He wanted me to check up on you." Kino said,saying 'he' a little boldy.

"Oh... I understand." Azul responded.

I silenced myself a little and let the asshole talk. He looked over to me, "I don't see what's so important about you." He said simply.

Almost instantly I jumped onto him, but he teleported away, "You little shit!"

"What a vulgar mouth. You should learn to watch what you say girl." Kino appeared behind me and shoved me to the floor.

That fucking asshole. "Why you!" I stood up and was about to charge at him but he grabbed me by the wrists and starred sadistically down at me.

"Azul if you don't punish your prey for bad behaviour, I'll have to do it for you."

"Get your filthy hands off me you flipping-" Kino tightened his grip on my wrists, and it hurt like hell.

"OW let go!" Kino leaned his face down on my neck and licked it.

"Let go!I'm a vampire too so go eat some human!" I tried to thrash around but his grip was deadly. Fuck, if he tightens his hold on my wrist anymore, it'll break.

"Kino-san please let go!" Azul said coming closer to us. Kino slid his fangs against my skin lightly, so no blood would come out, but enough so it would hurt.

"I don't know Azul-kun, you seem to need help in teaching obedience to your prey."

"No- I-I don't." Azul said coming closer. Kino glared at him sharply, "Alright Azul-kun let's make this easy. Either you punish her or I do."

"I'll do it." Azul pulled me out of his arms and Kino let go of my wrists. I rubbed the pain in arms, and glared at this Kino guy.

"Bite her." Kino demanded.

"B-but Vampires only bite each other, if they are mates! (Y/n) and I aren't-"

"Yes but they also bite each other to drain the other of their blood and kill them." Kino smiled sadistically.

A lot of me wanted to punch this guy. "Then bite me bitch!" I was about to at him,until Azul pulled me back into his arms and trapped me in his hold. "Azul what the fuck let go!"

"You disgraceful-"

"FUCK YOU!" I said angrily. Kino was about to come over to me and do who knows what, until Azul pushed me behind him and covered stood in front of me protectively.

"Kino-san. Please don't hurt her." Azul said sternly. Wow. Even in situations like this Azul still stays polite.

Kino scoffed and backed up, "I don't see why Father even decided to let you in. You're garbage."

"What did you-" I was cut off when Azul placed his hand over my mouth.

"Everythings fine here Kino-san you can return home." Azuls aid abruptly.

"Tch." Kino was gone in an instant, and Azul sighed in relief. After a second Azul grabbed me by my arms and stared me in the eyes, "Don't mess with that guy (Y/n), he's bad news! He could really kill you (Y/n)... I've seen it before."

"I don't care."

"You're being stubborn!" Azul scolded.

"No I'm not!"

"Look, I'm telling you this, because I care for you (Y/n)! More than you think... so please listen to me."

"F-fine..." I mumbled, looking down.

"Hey look up at me." Azul, brought his fingers underneath my chin to look up at him. I realized we were inches apart. He was leaning in and I was frozen in time as lips almost met, that is until someone walked in.

"What's all the ruckus?!"

I looked over to the voice and saw a familiar person.


Unedited 12/5/017; Late update;-;

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