♞ [19] You again! ♞

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"Yuma?" Shu looked at him, wondering why he was here.

"Neet." Yuma tossed an apple at him and Shu caught it with ease. "What's this for?" Shu asked.

"Well, what do you think? It's for eating of course. You are human now after all."

Shu looked at the apple unwarily. Yuma saw this and spoke, "I grew it myself it's good. Stupid Neet..." Yuma mumbled the last part.

"You're annoying." Shu rolled his eyes, biting into the apple.


"*Sniffles* (Y/n)-chan... how could you leave me like this?" Kanato teared up looking at photo strip he and he took at the amusement park. Azusa was also in the picture, but he wasn't focused on him right now.

"You don't have the right to allow yourself to be kidnapped away. You belong to me." Kanato whispered psychotically to himself.

"I'll kill you when I return to me. I'll punish you gravely." Kanato continued.

He giggled a little and burst out into a fit of loud hysteric laughter. " He fell down against his bed and smiled through his cloudy, teary, eyes. This smile, however, was not only insane but a little broken.

His eyes fell upon a toy bear, that (Y/n) had given him. At first, he rejected it tossing it upon the floor in front of her, but he took it back after she left.

He realized the bear smelled a lot like her, the reason for this was because the bow on the bear was made of the fabric of one of her clothes.

Kanato pulled the bear close to him, "(Y/n)-chan you miss me right?" You miss the one you solely belong to."

It was a question, but he said it like a statement.

↖↗↖↗ || With (Y/n)! || ↖↗↖↗


"Shin you can't just walk in randomly! That was close, y'know Karlheinz would murder me if he found out you were here!" Azul said.

Shin ignored Azul and walked up to me. I laughed nervously and backed up away from me. "H-hey you.... Long time no see!"

"Eve... you thought we were dead didn't you?"

"Hahah... what makes you say that?" I kept scrambling backward casually, trying to distance myself from him.

"Um I don't know, maybe the fact you and those impures had our clones heads cut off!"

"Pshhh, that's not what happened. Nope, not at all!"

"Shin... I don't know how you know (Y/n), but please calm down."

"(Y/n)? Huh? What a stupid name Eve has."

"Hey man, I like my name!" I said poking his chest with my index finger.

"Oh, so now you're suddenly tough?" Shin leaned down, staring at me with a threatening expression. I only shot back the same face as I leaned up on my tippy toes to prove I wasn't scared. Our stare down was intense, for there were only centimeters between us.

"*BARK* *BARK*!" A wolf came out of the rooms and jumped on Shin, causing him to fill the gap between us. His lips brushed against mine in a light kiss.

Almost instantly I backed away tripping over myself and falling into a houseplant, causing it topple to the floor with me.

"EWWW!!" I pointed at him, covering my lips with my hand.

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