♞ [28] A Voice ♞

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◩◪(Y/n)'s P.o.v ◩◪

I sat in the bath in deep thought. What Shin said made so much sense. But should I really trust him? Azul seems to know me very well too. I just don't know what to believe anymore. How will I ever remember my past?

'(Y/n)....' I heard a voice in my head speak to me.

"What? Who's there? Why are you in my head?"I spoke panicked.

'I'm your first self...Calm down...' She spoke.

I breathed calmly and pulled my legs up to myself in the bath, "Who are you?"

'I'm your past -self, your very first self from your first life.' She said in my mind.

"How can I believe you? I don't know who to trust anymore..."

'You need to follow me and trust me, otherwise, this won't work.'

"Okay," I muttered.

'Get out of the bath and get dressed, then go to the backyard.' The voice said.

I did as she said and checked around for Azul, he wasn't home today. I walked out into the backyard. It was fairly empty, there was a pebble path and couple plants around.

'Go the shed.'

I did as she said and went inside. 'Sit down and close your eyes.' I slid my back against the wall of the shed and sat down criss-cross, and finally, I shut my eyes and felt a whole new feeling sweep over me.


I looked around confused. I was in a maid outfit with a metal tray in my hands. I seemed to be in a fancy living room with many decorated love-seats. This house was huge. Actually, this place was a mansion...

"Hey servant over here?! Are you listening? You've been spacing out for the longest time!" A person said.

I looked over at him and he glared. He was a man in his early thirties with short hair and ice-blue eyes. He also wore 18th century-aristocrat clothing.


"You were ignoring me, weren't you?! I'll show you what happens when you don't respect a higher class than you!" He grabbed me by the hair and started to pull me into another room.

"P-please stop!" I screamed in pain trying to pull his hand away, but he was too strong.

He pushed me into the room and shut the door. He smirked down at me and kicked me in the stomach.

I coughed and back away from him and he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt.

First I follow the unknown voice in my head to the shed, and then black out and end up in an unknown place in another universe. Now here I lie, getting beaten to death. What a day.

He picked me up higher by my collar so my toes were inches above the ground. "L-let go..." I choked out.

"Like hell. I'm just getting started." He spun me around so I fell on all fours. He slapped my bottom hard over my long maid skirt and I fell on my stomach.

"No stop it!" I screamed out.

"Shut up you whore, someone will hear you-" As he said this the door opened and a young boy with black hair and blue-gray eyes.

"You. My Father is looking for you. Get the hell out of here." The kid said sharply.

The man sneered at him before walking off to where he was needed. I was about to get up but the child walked closer to me and placed his hand on my cheek.

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