♞[7] When we were young ♞

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"Given death, you have parted with this world

Although your body has met it's demise, your soul is not at rest,

I will allow you to live once more,

To see her with your own eyes,

But you will become a puppet,

Under my command."


"Quiet now puppet. All will be over soon..."



"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love and I'll no longer be a Capulet." I read in English to Reiji.

"Very good. You speak English very fluently. Did you teach yourself?" Reiji said.

"Yes." I answered shortly, feeling nostalgia wash over me.

Short memories of Yui flooded into my mind.


3 years prior...

10:00 p.m 1/1/2014

14 years old...

"Hey (Y/n)?" Yui blew into the winter air, causing fog to come out. She was wearing pale pink earmuffs with a matching puffy jacket for the snow. Still deciding to stick with her girly attire, she wore a black skirt with thermal gray leggings underneath. ON her feet were long brown boots that reached to her knees.

"Yeah?" (Y/n) stuck her tongue out, munching on the snowflakes that fell down.

She was wearing warm black coat with buttons. On her neck was a natsu dragneel scarf. Or at least that's what she called it. It was a white scarf with black horizontal and vertical lines. As for her bottom, she wore some oddly printed galaxy leggings. Some people stared at her weird attire, while others stared at her eating snowflakes. On her feet were a hot pair of black boots. Damn were those boots were hot.

"(Y/n)! Please don't eat the snowflakes!" Yui, clasp her hand over her mouth.

"Why not?" (Y/n)'s muffled voice said through her hand. Yui retracted her hand and sighed,

Yui ignored her question and sighed sadly.

Sensing her upset mood, (Y/n) moved over to Yui and hugged her close to her, bringing her head to her chest. Yui closed her eyes and let herself into (Y/n)'s safe arms.

"I'll stop eating snowflakes, if it makes you that upset." (Y/n) said. Yui wrapped her arms around (Y/n) back in their hug, "That's not why I'm upset, silly."


"It's just that, what if Father never lets me leave the church?" I'll still take my religion with me wherever I go, but what if I can't go? I want to be able to see the world (Y/n), but I don't know if I'll be allowed. But you (Y/n), you're allowed to go. Once you're sixteen you're free to leave the church and live on your own. I don't want us to be apart."

(Y/n) laughed and spoke, "Sure I'll probably leave the church in two years but, I'll always come back to see you Yui. I don't know if Mr.Komori will let you leave the church, but I promise if he doesn't I'll kidnap you and take you far away from here! Farther than Japan or Asia!"

Yui lit up instantly, "Really?! You'd do that?"

"Of course I would! We're best friends! I'd do anything for you, and yes that includes kidnapping!!!"

A smile came across Yui's face, as she smiled.

"Okay if that's the case... Then I want to go to America!!"

"America? Sure! I'll practice my English so when we go, I'll be fluent and will be able to talk to more people. Who knows I might be able to marry a hot american actor!" (Y/n) joked.

"Hahahah... I thought you wanted marry a (K-pop idol/Anime character)?" Yui asked.

"*Sighh* If only...~" (Y/n) said dreamily.

◅▻◅▻◅▻◅▻Present Time◅▻◅▻◅▻◅▻

"Alright let's carry on to the next passage." Reiji spoke.

I kept a blank face, not showing any signs of boredom, so Reiji wouldn't punish me. Even though I wasn't showing it, I was bored.

"Is it okay if I kidnap you away from here?" I asked.

Reiji looked at me strangely, "What?"

"It's nothing."

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