♞ [50] Fear?!♞✧

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A/N; Hello humans, so I wanted to make a quick a/n to tell you that. This story is ending soon. After the final chapter, the endings will proceed just as they did in the first book. Thank you for reading, :')

[Your P.o.v]

"YOU LITTLE SHITS!!!" Yuma chased Kou and me through the house.

"GO GO GO (Y/N)! HAhahah!" Kou laughed while urging me to keep running.

"I can't believe we just did that!" You replied running through the halls.

"I'M GONNA BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF THE TWO OF YOU!!!" You could feel Yuma's fiery anger burning at the back of your neck.

"Hold on tight (Y/n)!" Kou grabbed my hand and teleported away. I looked around to where we were and we were on top of the mansion.

So just what the hell did you do to Yuma?

&&& Flashback to Yesterday's Dinner &&&

"Psst Kou, you still have orange dye left over?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Let's dye Yuma's hair orange...!"

"Heheh...smart idea M Neko-chan!~"

"The hell are the two of you laughing about?!"

&&& Present time &&&

"I can't believe we dyed his hair orange! He's totally gonna kill me—"

"There you are (Y/n)! You're fucking dead for running away," Someone said.


"That's fucking right, how dare you work up the nerve to run away from us?!"

"Hey, I said I was going to bring Yui back, I didn't say I wasn't gonna take this opportunity to ditch you—"

Ayato threw me down to the ground of the roof roughly and glared.

His cold, frightening, glare pierced me, and when I looked at him. I remembered this wasn't my Ayato. This was someone else. A stranger.

He walked toward me threateningly, "What? Nothing to say?" He scoffed at me.

I spit out blood onto the floor and glared at Ayato, "Go fuck yourself, you piece of shit. I hope you fucking die," I said in an unlady-like tone.

Ayato sent me a murderous expression, and I quivered for a second. I stood up and backed away...

Damn...I can't believe this mother fucker is actually making me tremble.

He walked towards me, like how a predator would approach their prey... just like the first day I entered the Sakamaki house. Except I was naive then, now things are different. At the time I didn't really take in the fact that he didn't care if I died. But after a while, things changed I guess.

As he walked closer and closer to me, I could feel my legs grow paralyzed, and my body began to quiver even more.


Why am I afraid? Isn't this just Ayato?

Isn't it?

No, it's not. He's not the same.  

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