♞ [36] Final Battle PT.1 ♞

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[Your P.o.v]

"Carla! Wake up!" I shook him awake beside me.

Sadly... I was no longer able to sleep in my room since our puppy cries unless he's with Carla. Yuki shifted around in my arms and opened his eyes. "Shhh...go back to sleep Yuki." I ruffled his fur. Reluctantly, he closed his puppy eyes again.

"What is it (Y/n)?" Carla asked sitting up.

"I heard something downstairs..."

"You were awake?" He asked.

"Yeah, Yuki was a little sad, so I stayed up till he fell asleep." I held Yuki protectively.

Carla sniffed the air a little bit and glared darkly ahead of him. I looked at him concerned. I sniffed the air too, the scents...were familiar.

"Stay here (Y/n), and don't you dare come down until I'm back." He looked over to me, who held Yuki close to me.

"Carla what's happening-"

Carla placed a kiss on my lips and closed his eyes. I was surprised at first, but gradually sank in, and returned the kiss.

"I trust you, Carla." I said, cupping his face with one of my hands, pulling him close.

Carla sent a smile to me and ruffled Yuki's fur.

I felt my heartbeat race faster, at his movements. I really do love him...

Carla stood up from our bed and left the room soundlessly, closing the door behind him.

I stared down at the sleeping puppy in front of me. He snored lightly, oblivious to all that was happening this very moment.

I looked out the window and stared at the moon.

"Well, would you look at that...It's a full moon."

You sniffed the air aain, the familiarity making you feel off, "That scent..."


"Mmmphh!!!" Shin struggled against Yuma, Azul and Kou's hold.

Carla lowered at all of them.

"Just what the hell are you all doing here? And you-" Carla looked at Shin.

"Didn't I tell you to never let your guard down?" He sneered, a cold glance coming Shin's way.


Azul rolled his eyes and ripped off the duct tape.

"The brat started bawling his eyes and I let my guard down for just a second!!!" Shin looked at Kanato, glaring. Kanato smiled innocently, stroking Mr.Bear's head.

"Hah! You assholes think you're so smart eh?! Look we have a founder on our side now!" Ayato gestured to Azul.

Azul glared at Shin, "Traitor."

Shin laughed, "You wouldn't be strong if I didn't help you."

"Shut up!" Yuma growled at Shin, punching the wall. Subaru much...

Carla, kept a deadly glare on them all and summoned a sword with blue flames surrounding the blade.

"How troublesome..." Shu stood up, with Reiji behind him, pushing his glasses up.

"Looks like we're going to have to dirty our hands..." Ruki stepped up.

Azusa grinned and sniffed the air, "Ahh... I smell her...she's here."

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