My little fairy

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In a world where fairies roam in secret from humans. Dipper is 10 Bill is 11.

Gravity falls forest 1800s

There in the forest lies a village so small no human has ever seen it. Little fairies flying around collecting food or just playing around.

"Bill Cipher is the best sun fairy in all of the land!" Bill said to his friends collecting sun rays faster then everyone else he put them in the fireflies who happily took them.

"Yeah yeah yeah whatever." Devin said flying around lazily.

"Come on guys time for stories!" Sky said she flew toward them tugging their arms.

"Wait I haven't ate yet I'll catch up later!" Bill said flying up the tree while his friends flew home.

Bill's yellow hair swayed in the air, his blue eyes open bright, his Oran and brown leaf clothes hugged his body as he flew around looking for food till he heard a sweet voice nearby.

"Come back rabbit I have a carrot just for you!" A young girl yelled chasing a white rabbit in the field making Bill stare in amazement seeing a human.

"Woah I've never seen one before." Bill said quietly landing on a branch observing the girl.

"Come on Dipper if you can catch a sugar crazed Mabel you can catch a rabbit!" Dipper said to herself dusting off her blue old dress "Hello?" She said looking around seeing the dark sky she shivers laying down "Great just great I'm lost!" She cried hugging herself.

"Poor thing." Bill said frowning he flies lower closer to the human landing on her soft brown hair "Hi." He said making her look around causing himself to fall down "Hey that hurt!" He said.

"Oh my gosh!" Dipper squealed laying stomach down on the ground to look at the fairy "Your a fairy!" She put Bill in her hand and stroked his hair.

"Uhh..." Bill said dumbly blushing staring at the girl's cute face "Hi I'm Bill Cipher." He offered his small hand.

"Oh my it can talk!" Dipper squealed again but calmed down and shakes his hand with her pointer finger "Hi I'm Dipper Pines nice to meet you Bill!" She said smiling putting him down.

"Do you need help getting home?" Bill asked blushing again making the girl giggle and shake her head yes.

"Yes can you fly up and look for this little cabin with a totem pole next to it?" Dipper asked getting a nod so Bill flew up and saw what she was looking for he flew back down to her face.

"Go straight ahead this way!" Bill pointed to her house direction.

"Oh thank you!" Dipper said kissing Bill's head making him blush a rub his neck "Oh and here for you!" She gave Bill a strawberry then ran home.

"Thank you!" Bill thanked and looked longingly at the girl under the moonlight.

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