cheater cheater pumpkin eater?

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Their tension that there is an affair afoot in the relationship of Bill and Dipper. Both about 20.

Cipher apartment 1:00 am

Dipper is seen sleeping in Bill's and her bed sleeping soundly. Bill tiptoes into the room but accidentally steps on their cat effectively waking up Dipper who turns on their lamp annoyed.

"Bill why are you coming home this late?" Dipper asked arms crossed at her boyfriend in question.

"Uh nothing you need to worry about Pinetree." Bill said his voice a bit nervous making Dipper raise an eyebrow.

"Try me." Dipper challenged making Bill sigh.

"Okay I was out late with Will and we sorta lost track of time." Bill said taking off his suit and putting on his pajamas and hopped into bed.

"Okay then I believe." Dipper said making Bill kiss her cheek and turn off the lights.

Next morning

"Mabel I think Bill's been cheating on me!" Dipper said on the phone.

"What no way Dipper!" Mabel said.

"I'm telling yah! For the past two weeks he's been late home and last night he said he was with Will but I called Will and he said Bill wasn't with him last night!" Dipper said voice trembling.

"Well signs do point at cheater cheater pumpkin eater but maybe you should give Bill the benefit if the doubt!" Mabel asked.

"I'll try Mabel thanks." Dipper hung up sighing to herself then her phone rang again so she answered seeing the caller ID is Bill making her grumble at his name "Bill?" Dipper said.

"Pinetree!" Bill's voice rang making Dipper roll her eyes "Come outside I have a surprise for you" he hung up before she could even reply.

"Whatever." Dipper said walking outside her apartment to see Bill in his nice suit on his knee with a little black box in his hands "Bill." Dipper whispered tears threatened her eyes.

"Mason Alexander Pines I have spent the best years of my life with you and I want more of that so for the past two weeks I've been looking for the perfect ring so I could ask you this will you marry me?" Bill asked hope in his eyes.

"Yes yes a million times yes!" Dipper shouted hugging her fiancé and when she pulled away he put the ring on her finger making her cry and kiss in a fury of passion so powerful they never felt before.

"I love you." Both said

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