Car sickness

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Bill and Dipper on a hot long drive with only junk food to eat. Both 18.

Oregon road Bill's RV

"Bill his much longer!" Dipper groaned eating another dorito.

"Sadly another 50 miles." Bill said driving while eating donuts.

"Who would've thought sitting and eating all day would be so miserable." Dipper muttered.

"This heat isn't helping either." Bill said sweating. His windows don't work see it just got more unbearable.

"Bill why didn't we take a plane to your sisters wedding?" Dipper asked eating some candy.

"Because were idiots." Bill said matter of factly drinking some pop.

"Bill I don't feel so good." Dipper announced clutching her stomach and holding her mouth.

"Me neither and I can't breathe." Bill added stopping the RV to the aide of the road so he and his wife can throw up.

"Oh no please stop!" Dipper said to herself before puking again on the ground.

"My throat is on fire!" Bill whined before vomiting next to Dipper.

"I hate junk food!" Bill and Dipper both yelled holding each other trying to calm down.

"Wanna go to a motel and cry ourselves to sleep?" Bill asked leaning onto his RV with his wife in his arms.

"Yeah and some water our breathe is so bad I can see the stink." Dipper said making her husband smile.

Bill + Dipper = 💜💜💜Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat