Space collector

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Dipper is a space captain collecting exotic items. Dipper is 24 Bill is 125 he's still a demon. Ship above is Dipper's.


A massive is seen floating in space it belongs to captain Dipper Pines with her crew Mabel in charge of collection, Wendy is a warrior for tuff aliens or situations, Soos is maintenance, Pacifica is coordinator, And Grunkle Ford is the scientist. Everybody there wear matching suits. Dipper wore blue.

"So Pyros huh? Pacifica what does this planet have of value?" Dipper asked Pacifica who wore purple.

"Well.." Pacifica started typing into the computer and a hologram showed up showing a planet made of lava "This planet is homed to millions of species all very dangerous." She reported with a smirk.

"Well done." Dipper said patting Pacifica's back "Mabel get ready because we're about to add a new animal to our collection!" She yelled.

"Yeah!" Mabel yelled in a pink suit ran to the cage room.

"Sweet! I've been meaning to test out my new skills on some aliens!" Wendy said pumped up in her green suit punched the air.

"Right you and me are going hunting or kidnapping depending on the level of intelligence the alien we take." Dipper said taking the wheel and started heading toward Pyros.

"Oh doog I have laser guns specially made into affecting lava creatures and some fire proof nets." Soos said handing the weapons to Dipper and Wendy he wore a grey suit.

"Thanks Soos and tell Grunkle Ford to fire up the alien containment force field." Dipper ordered Soos who saluted and ran to the lab station.

"Heh you fire and this place is made of fire." Mabel chuckled behind Dipper making her roll her eyes.


"Dude this place's temperature is literally a 1000 degrees!" Wendy exclaimed checking her watch.

"Shh." Dipper said ducking behind a rock seeing a creature roam by so she pounced out and pinned the creature to the ground "Ha I got it!" She proudly announced.

"Hey pretty mama mind tying off my tail?" The creature said making Dipper look down and see the hottest (pun intended) man she very saw he had flaming yellow hair, orange skin, blazing blue eyes, pointy ears, sharp teeth, a lizard tail and no clothes unless you count the blue flames on his mid section.

"Uh s-sorry s-sir!" Dipper stuttered scrambling off the man.

"Hey what's a lovely creature like yourself doing on such a bad planet anyway." He said tilting his head cutely.

"Dipper what happened?" Wendy said helping her friend up then notices the man "Oh man it's Cipher." She mutters hatred on her face.

"It's Bill Cipher to you glad you know me!" Bill cheerily said standing up then unexpectedly a net is thrown on him "Hey!" He said then Wendy shows him "Hey!". He yelled this time.

"Wendy!" Dipper shouted taking the net off Bill and looked at his arm "Sorry about my friend." She said rubbing her neck.

"No problem." Bill said then took Dipper's arm "Hey wanna go to this bar on the other side of lava lake?" He offered.

"Yes!" Dipper said quickly "Come on Wendy!" She told her friend as she ran hand in hand with Bill.

Bill + Dipper = 💜💜💜Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt