Lamby Lamby

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Bill wants a Lamby Lamby so he bothers Dipper a lot to get her to roleplay which she does eventually. Dipper is 25 and Bill is a demon very old okay.

Cipher-Pines residence

"Pinetree!" Bill yelled from the basement walking back upstairs with a scrapbook in hand smiling wide.

"What?" Dipper asked drinking her coffee sitting in the kitchen.

"Is this for real?!" Bill asked showing Dipper a picture of her when she was little in a lamb costume making Dipper do a spit take on her coffee.

"Bill!" Dipper yelled taking the scrapbook away from the demon embarrassed "Where did you find that!" She demanded.

"Mabel told me it was under all you Christmas sweaters she gave you." Bill said still having a goofy smile on his face "Do you still have the costume?" He asked getting a dirty look.

"No my parents have it why?" Dipper asked.

"Well I was wondering if you would dress as a lamb and do the famous Lamby Lamby dance for me?" Bill asked giggling under his breathe as Dipper's face got red.

"What absolutely not!" Dipper told her husband shaking her head at him.

"How about a deal?" Bill asked walking around his wife with a smile "If you dress up as a lambs and do the dance I'll sing 'taking over midnight' in front of everyone in town." He took his hand out blue flames included.

"Deal!" Dipper said a mischievous smile on her face "Get ready big boy your about to get a Lamby Lamby~" she flirted making Bill's jaw drop.

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