💜Valentines day💜

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Dipper wants her first valentines day with Bill to be special and Bill is less than enthusiastic about such a holiday. Dipper is 14 and Bill is a very old demon.

Piedmont California

"Oh my gosh today is the day Bill!" Dipper said practically bouncing from her seat making Bill smile as he drove her home.

"Today is what exactly my sapling?" Bill asked getting a surprised look from Dipper.

"Valentines day! What else?" Dipper said rolling her eyes.

"Oh yeah one of you human holidays where business can scam you into buying their things." Bill deadpanned while Dipper frowns.

"Come on Bill its my first valentines day with a boyfriend!" Dipper said not getting out the car even though it's her house.

"Pinetree aren't you going inside?" Bill asked confused and Dipper nodded making him sigh in annoyance "What did I do?" He asked eyes closed.

"Not taking me out for dinner! Take me out to a movie! Or buy me roses! Or even chocolate!" Dipper listed off glaring at Bill.

"Fine you win." Bill said making Dipper giggle and peck his cheek "You different... More mayelish." He told her.

"Uh yeah were boyfriend and girlfriend on valentines day! Every girl wants the dream Valentines day date!" Dipper said like it is obvious.

"Okay first off Roses and Chocolate." Bill snapped the items into Dippers lap who smiled in turn "Now let's go eat dinner then a movie!" He said making Dipper hug him.

"Don't worry Bill tomorrow I'll be myself again." Dipper assured the demon who sighed in relief and drove them away.

Bill + Dipper = 💜💜💜Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu