teachers' relationship

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Bill and dipper are both teachers and constantly come to each others classroom. Both around 30

Gravity falls high school

"Can anyone tell me what the three types of triangles are?" Bill asked his class and pointed to one raising their hand "Yes you!?"

"Scalenes, obtuse, and right triangle." The student answered.

"Correct and how about-" Bill cut himself off when the door opened revealing a woman in a blue sweater with a pinetree on it and jeans contrast to his black pants and yellow triangle sweater.

"Sorry to bother you Mr.Cipher." Dipper apologized handing a student their inhaler "Josh forgot his inhaler again." She said then motioned her hand.

"Class copy the whiteboard I'll be right back!" Bill said smiling wide as he and Dipper went in the hallway "What's on your mind pinetree?" Bill asked.

"Since you didn't come to my classroom I thought why not come to yours?" Dipper smirked wrapping her hands around Bill's neck pulling him in for a kiss but they were interrupted.

"Ms.Pines! What you doing here with Mr.Cipher during school hours?" Mrs.Butterscotch the principal asked hands on hips as the two separate luckily the woman can't see very well.

"Just giving a student his inhaler!" Dipper said mostly the truth.

"Okay carry on." Mrs.Butterscotch said walking away leading the couple to release the breathe the were holding.

"We almost got caught." Dipper whispered and groaned "I hate Mondays!" She tossed her arms up.

"Yeah I hear yeah." Bill agreed "Two days without my pinetree is more torture then actual torture." He pecked her cheek.

"Ahh!" Dipper cooed kissing his lips then the bell rang startling the two and pulled apart again as several students walk the halls.

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