i wanna demon baby

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For a demon to impregnate a human they need to some special ritual. Both 22.

Oregon woods

"Pinetree I'm still tired from earlier!" Bill whined walking behind Dipper who was reading a book.

"Right here should be fine." Dipper said sitting down and started drawing a line on the grass.

"Dipper what are you doing?" Bill asked taking the white chalk away from her.

"Bill according to this old book a demon can impregnate a human if they do a ritual." Dipper started excitably but Bill took the book away from her "Ha!" She protested going to grab it back only for Bill take it out of her reach

"I now how to make a demon human hybrid Pinetree." Bill said tossing the book aside.

"Okay then how?" She challenged.

"Well first we do it how humans normally do it and then within 24 hours after that we draw a circle and lit candles then we recite an old demon language." Bill said in a matter of fact way.

"Then why have you her brought this up!?" Dipper asked angry at Bill for keeping secrets.

"You never asked." Bill said smirking making Dipper's jaw drop at the remark "Anyway we already made love so let's go on step two." He continued


"Okay?" Dipper said floating midair with blue fire around her while Bill is speaking in tongues worrying her till it stopped and she was teleported into Bill's loving arms "Did it work?" She asked.

"Certainly did! Look!" Bill said pointing at Dipper's arms showing black veins making her scream.

"What is going on!" Dipper yelled freaking out trying to rub off the blackness but to no success.

"First sign of pregnancy." Bill said "Next signs will be desire to eat spicy foods, wanting to kill mate 'me', and spontaneously burstng into flames." Bill listed off making Dipper nervous at the thought.

"And how long are hybrid pregnancies?" Dipper asked hopeful to 9 months.

"Depends it could be 9 months or less or more maybe I don't know?" Bill said being no help.

"Fantastic." Dipper murmured and just then she bursted into flames freaking her out screaming and rolling on the ground meanwhile Bill laughs his butt off at the scene before him.

"Ha this will never get old Pinetree uh do you think?" Bill asked making Dipper glare at him and ran after him in a furious rage.

Bill + Dipper = 💜💜💜Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu