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Will Dipper get a new nickname?

The Cipher-Pines residence

"Pinetree!" Bill said walking into their bedroom where a currently heavily pregnant Dipper is laying down.

"What!" Dipper snapped not in the mood.

"Pinetree I was wondering maybe we talk for a bit?" Bill asked laying down with his wife who scoots back.

"How about instead I give you a job?" Dipper asked Bill who nodded his head rapidly.

"I can do any job you serve Pinetree!" Bill said confident.

"How about..." Dipper took a minute to think before an idea came to her "You come up with a new nickname for me?" She challenged.

"Oh I am game!" Bill said then walked into another leaving Dipper alone to nap like she wanting in the first place.

"You can do it!" Dipper said and yawned falling asleep.

A few hours later

"Yawn" Dipper yawned looking around "Hey where's Bill?" She asked herself.

"I did it pinetree I have created a list new nicknames for you!" Bill said holding a list.

"Oh no." Dipper moaned fearing what's unfortunately coming to her.

"Honey. Baby. Babe. Cookie. Pine needle. Sapling. Little tree. Baby mama. Cupcake. Zuzu. Double dipping sauce. Cuddles. Bunny. Kitten. Puppy. Little demon. Cutie pie. Big wood. Rosie cheeks. Slave. My queen. My princess. Hottie. Button nose. I could go on!" Bill said eager to continue.

"Uhh." Dipper said "Let's keep pinetree for now." Dipper said not wanting to hear anymore pet names.

"Wait you don't have a nickname for me!" Bill pouted crossing his arms.

"How about daddy?" Dipper offered with a huge smile on her face making Bill Hug her.

"I'll take it!" Bill said snuggling in with his wife kissing her neck making her laugh at her husbands antics.

Bill + Dipper = 💜💜💜حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن