Face some demons

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Bill goes to a demon party and invites Dipper but Dipper is a little intimidated by the demons she meets there. Dipper is 24 and Bill is who knows?

Demon castle

"Bill does this blue dress make me look fat?" Dipper asked looking at a mirror.

"No way you look perfect in anything Pinetree!" Bill complimented while tying on his golden suit's black tie "Don't worry too much my friends are gonna love you!" He said snaking his arms around his wife head resting on her shoulder making her smile.

"Really?" Dipper asked kissing his hand.

"Really." Bill said then took a second to think "Well obviously not as much as me since that's impossible." He said kissing her cheek.

"Awe you cheese ball!" Dipper smacked him playfully then took his arm "Let's go." She said so Bill teleports both of them tot he party.

Party house

"BILL!" The demons shouted when they arrived many greeting the couple well mostly Bill since Dipper is human and quite scared by their appearances holding Bill's arm tightly.

"Hey Bill where ya been demon?" Teeth asked then chugged a bunch of who knows what.

"Earth mostly." Bill answered then grabbed an eyeball by its socket "Sacocyian eyes my favorite eyeball treat!" He ate one making Dipper gag.

"Hey Bill wanna play spin the statue creature?" Amorphous shape asked.

"Come on Pinetree!" Bill pulled her hand to a circle group spinning a statue of a gnome and who landed on who they ate the demon making Dipper gasp horrified.

"Hey fellas lets go drink party punch till we all turn inside out!" Kryptos said getting cheers.

"Or maybe we roll inter dimensional dice and turn the world into a giant tongue!" Pyronica suggested holding the dice.

"Bill." Dipper whispered and tugged his sleeve "Can you teleport me home?" She asked looking scared.

"Yeah i shouldn't have brought you here Pintree." Bill said then an idea came to him "You know what we can have our own weirdmageddon in our home later!" Dipper blushed kissing him goodbye as he teleports her home.

"Hey you party demons let's dance on the ceiling because we can!" 8-ball said and everyone did so having a blast.

"Let's party all night long!" Bill roared blues flames around him and his eyes burning yellow.

Bill + Dipper = 💜💜💜Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora