Scared senseless

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Dipper gets scared after watching a scary movie covering her face on Bill's chest. Dipper is 18 Bill is a super old demon.

Mystery shack

"Date night Dippy!" Bill singed giving his girlfriend a hug then sat next to her on the couch.

"Okay Bill what are you gonna wow me with this time?" Dipper said sarcastically smiling.

"Oh Pinetree I'm wounded." Bill said clutching his heart making Dipper push him away smiling.

"Okay wat are we doing?" Dipper asked arms crossed.

"This!" Bill said introducing a movie to Dipper's face.

"Scary movie? Isn't that movie rated tsfa? Too scary for anyone?" Dipper asked kinda scared.

"What is my Pinetree scared of a little human movie?" Bill teased pinching her cheek but it was slapped away.

"No way your gonna be scared not me." Dipper said putting on a bravo act and failing.

"Pinetree I'm an immortal demon from a nightmare realm do you really what I see there in an afternoon can compare to a movie where everything is fake?" Bill asked making her speechless "That's what I thought." He said smiling putting the movie on and took a seat.

One hour later

"Ah!" Dipper screamed her face in Bill's chest and arms around his body not daring to look "Is it over yet?" She whimpered.

"Just another hour left." Bill said enjoying the feeling of his girlfriend scared and relying on him to make her feel better.

"I hate you." Dipper muttered in her boyfriend's chest.

"I love you too!" Bill said kissing her head while she glared at him.

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