Ex Demonfriend

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Bill's old flame comes to visit and flirt leaving a very jealous Dipper. Dipper is 14 while Bill is very old demon like Lamia.

Piedmont California pines residence

Dipper is watching TV and munching on popcorn on the couch till the door slammed open and came in Bill Cipher.

"Pinetree!" Bill shouted excited running up and hugging Dipper tightly.

"Can't breathe!" Dipper wheezed making Bill let go "Bill just because my family isn't here doesn't mean it's make out o'clock." She stated eyebrow raised.

"One, not true second, that's not why I'm here." Bill starts using his magic to close all the curtains making it real dark.

"Uh Bill your kind scaring me." Dipper said looking back and forth nervously in the dark.

"HELLO!" A loud feminine voice shouted making Dipper scream clutching onto Bill "Bill you said she was cute not drop dead gorgeous!" She said in the dark.

"Uh thank you?" Dipper muttered turning on a light seeing a female demon who seems to be bottom half deer but still very pretty.

"Dipper this is Lamia! Lamia this is Dipper!" Bill introduced.

"Oh Bill always such a gentleman!" Lamia cooed side hugging Bill.

"Only for such lovely ladies." Bill said making Lamia giggle.

"Oh you flatterer!" Lamia bumped him with her rump making both laugh "Tell me what's your secret to looking so fabulous." She asked intrigued.

"Well...." Bill started but was interrupted.

"Uh hello human in the room!" Dipper snapped glaring at the two.

"Oh sorry Pinetree just caught up in the moment." Bill apologized kissing Dipper's cheek.

"You see me and Bill used to be together." Lamia said rubbing Bill's arm.

"But that was a long long time ago." Bill said smiling.

"Maybe in human years it was but to us it was like yesterday." Lamia smirked at Dipper's frown.

"Oh sorry girls I'm being summoned." Bill says while his body is glowing bright white then he disappears.

"You know its only a matter of time before he comes running back to me right?" Lamia asked the room becomes filled with pink flames.

"No your wrong." Dipper states arms crossed in a huff turning away.

"Oh pah-lease what makes you think he'll fall for you?" Lamia asked.

"Because he has taste now not like before when he was you!" Dipper said pointing at Lamia who gasps dramatically.

"Oh snap she got you there!" Bill sassed teleporting into the room wearing gold jewelry.

"Whatever." Lamia mutters teleporting out of the room in pink smoke while the couple kissed.

Bill + Dipper = 💜💜💜Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt