Demon Dipper

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A human Bill is trapped in a literal black market where he meets a beautiful demoness named Dipper. Dipper is 1000 yrs while Bill is 13 yrs old.

Black Mizar

A young boy was walking around a crowd of strange creatures some big and hairy while some other were small with many legs. The boy had wild yellow hair, a yellow shirt with a bowtie and black shorts.

"Excuse me can anybody help me?" Bill asked around but nobody stopped "Um sir can you help me get home?" Bill asked a giant eyeball.

"Ha! Like I would help a puny mortal like you!" The eyeball laughed sprouting wings and flying off.

"I could help." A feminine voice called out in an alley.

"Uh okay whoever you are." Bill said walking toward the voice who ended up being a beautiful lady with short brown hair and glowing blues and blue revealing clothes(above).

"My my what a handsome young man you are!" The demon said pinching the boys cheek making him blush and swat her hand away.

"Quit it! Unholy demoness!" Bill growled but she just giggled.

"Hey Dipper this fool giving you any trouble?" This big ape like man with huge feet said grabbing Bill's shirt making him gulp.

"No Tony he's fine...very fine." Dipper said making Tony let Bill go in a huff "Now kid let's see hmm your Bill Cipher and your here because you fell in an earth portal located inside gravity falls." Dipper said her chest triangle glowing.

"How did you know that?" Bill asked curious.

"Kid please I'm a demoness I know things..." Dipper said floating mid air legs crossed smiling "And I know how to bring you back home... In exchange for something I want of course." She winked.

"What would that be?" Bill asked trying to act tough. Dipper smiles at him hand lighting up yellow flames "Woah!" Bill cried backing away.

"Relax kid it won't burn wah! And as for what I want well that doesn't matter now I'll come back for it in 5 yes but in the mean time I'll take you back home! Deal?" Dipper asked.

"Deal!" Bill said grabbing her hand and a flash of light blinded him and an he opened his eyes he saw he was in bed safe at home.

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