"Aniya(No)." I say while turning away from his eyes. As I've just hopped down from the bed on the other side, Taeyong has reached me again. He grabs my wrist a little hard until I squeak upon it. "Ah apuda(pain)..." Feeling Taeyong's strong gaze on me, the pressure has restrained me from raising up my head and look at him straight.

"Jigem ka(Now, let's go)." But this time, he doesn't force me to look at his face like how he was before. Instead, he drags me towards the room door which he's left ajar.

"B-Bueyo(W-what)?" His strong grip keeps leading me out of the room which I'm forbidden to leave. "What are you doing?"

"Getting outta here." His eyes flashes his hair colour when he eyes me firmly. And then, my heart skips a beat because I can feel a sudden pang on my chest.



Following my parents towards the other room, there lies my unconscious sister emotionless on the bed. Her face looks pale while her chest rises and falls, as if she's sleeping like Snow White. "Ley..." I whisper after taking a seat beside her, my hand reaches for hers. She's so cold.

Taehyung stands beside me while my parents are standing at the opposite side. "What has happened to you two..." My mother asks, sobbing. "I'm not really a good mother."

"And I'm not being a good father..." My father says, holding back his tears simultaneously as his voice cracks.

"No." My voice is soft until I can barely hear myself. "You are good parents." Vision is blurring; voice is cracking. While trying to utter, my throat is dry and pain pricks mercilessly on the wall of it when I start choking on the words.

"Goma," says Taehyung as he puts his hand down on my shoulder. "Your sister will be back." I nod slightly while I'm still choking with my unstoppable sob, and that is when miracle happens.

"Dee, who is this handsome guy, is that your boyfriend?" My mother asks happily as Taehyung's hand reaches mine, our fingers interlock.

Not going to hesitate, "Yes," I admit happily. "He is my boyfriend." After clarifying our real relationship, both Taehyung and my eyes are lockedfor a short 10 seconds as we smile towards each other.


Third Person POV

After bidding goodbye with Heidi's parents, the couple then begins their journey back to Ee Chion. "Tae, how are you supposed to explain Jeonggyu's case to your family?" Heidi asks as she tries to catch up with her guardian angel. Yes, she remembers her once-white wings and have figured out how to 'maneuver' them during the journey back.

Taehyung says nothing but smiles wearily. His mind flashes Jeonggyu's transparent tears. "Angels' tears are no longer green when they're dying..."  The angel mutters when green tears start illustrating his handsome face. Once they've reached the Sky House, Taehyung unlocks the door with his keys and then they enter, at the same time, Taehyung wipes his tears right away before his.sister appears.

"Oppa?" Eonjin's voice follows after the squeaking of the opened room door. "Oppa!" At the sight of her brother, she dashes out of the room with her night gown and towards Taehyung with her spread arms. "Pogoshipta, oppa(I miss you, brother)." Her muffled voice is still audible as the siblings embraces each other with happiness drawn on their faces. "Unnie? Unnie! You're back." She turns towards Heidi with her watery eyes as the elder freezes on the spot, until the younger surrounds her arms around the elder.

"Eonjin..." I murmur in a whispery tone. "Mianhae(I'm sorry)." In the meantime, I can feel my shoulder wet as Eonjin's tears land on it. Besides, I can feel her shaking her head, denying the statement that I'm the one who is responsible.

"Jeonggyu-ah..." Eonjin whispers longingly and then she adds, "... has expected this to happen." She states, holding back her stubborn tears. "So don't blame yourself, unnie." Her tone signifies her strong spirit to live and accept things which young girls at her age are not capable of. Heidi nods, her eyes are swollen because of crying without stopping. "I've told our parents about this already." She admits while breaking their skinship and looks over to Taehyung, who holds a poker face now due to feeling hopeless.

"Eonjin-ah, you've done research on Devils, have you?" Taehyung asks all of a sudden, averting all the females' gazes towards him.

"Nei, wae(Yes, why)?" Eonjin admits, nodding at the same time. "What happened just now?"

Taehyung heaves out a long sigh before saying, "Goma, you should call your sister to make sure whether she's here or not, because that messenger has just sent me the information of their escape." He says while Heidi rummages through her pockets for her phone.

"Okay, but I don't have my phone with me." She says, pouting and dragging out the empty pockets of her jeans.

"I'll lend you mine," says Taehyung while he stuffs a new phone into Heidi's small palm. "Make a call and confirm with me before I come back to you." Taehyung remembers that Heidi has nodded because he's now striding towards his sister's room with his younger sibling.

In Eonjin's room

"Spit it out, oppa. I've prepared," says Eonjin a little grimly with her arms crossed.

After taking a seat by the desk, Taehyung clears his throat before he begins, "I was wondering why Heidi couldn't see and remember Bogum after I've eliminated the darkness in her soul?" Eonjin's eyes bulges as she heards me.

"You what?" She asks rhetorically and she's obviously surprised.

"Drawing out her dark souls-"

"...using your ability?" asks my sister and I nod. She takes a deep breath before setting down into her train of thoughts, interpreting the most possible reason for my question. "What I think is, you have erase her memory with Bogum entirely while you're doing the darkness elimination." She states and then continues, "When eomma makes you her guardian angel, she has given you the Mighty Angel's ability to keep or erase memories. So what I think is because Heidi could see you when she's still human, am I right?" I nod again. "Then it makes sense - she had turned back to the initial condition when she never had known about Bogum's existence." She concludes matter-of-factly although what I think is 'it doesn't make sense'.

"But if I can wipe Heidi's memories away? Why can't she forget me?" I ask with pure curiousity as Eonjin chuckles.

"That's a good question though," she admits. "But sadly, I don't really know. The only thing that I can say is: 'miracle' has happened." Eonjin shrugs with her palms flattened.

*Hi little stars, MIC DROP REMIX is so lit and I was dead!!!!

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*Hi little stars, MIC DROP REMIX is so lit and I was dead!!!!

*By the way, what do you guys think will happen to Hurley and Taeyong next?

*Thanks for reading. I'll see ya all in the next chapter❤❤

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