"I completely forgot about that." Zayn chuckles. "We knew that Tori was a good singer."

"So, we decided to get her to sing at our concert." Liam adds, smiling at me. "We had our make up artist make it look like Zayn was sick."

"I was convinced that Zayn was sick. He looked sick. He was pale and his hair was flat. Zayn's hair is never flat!" I point to his fake Mohawk. "They went out on stage and told the audience that Zayn was sick."

"Then Niall and I went after Tori in the dressing room. We chased her down and brought her to the stage. After we sang all of the songs, we had Zayn come out." Liam explains.

"Were you mad at them?" Ellen points to the guys.

I shake my head. "I was at first, but then I realized I enjoyed it. I could never be mad this them."

"Except for when we dumped ketchup on your head." Louis speaks up. Niall laughs and high fives Louis.

"Whoa. Wait. Dumped ketchup on your head?" Ellen tries to hold her laughter.

I nod my head. "We're kind if in the middle of a prank war. They dumped ketchup on my head."

"That would explain the dancing carrots then." Ellen realizes.

Megan and I look at each other before bursting out laughing. That night was so much fun! The rest of the guys join in. Niall falls off the couch from laughing so hard. I lean back against Liam and hide my red face.

"Did the carrots have to do with Louis saying he liked girls who eat carrots when he was on the X Factor?" Ellen asks next.

"One of their fans dared us to do that." Megan stops laughing.

I slap her arm. "Directioners." I correct her.

"What's a Directioner?" Ellen looks from the two of us.

All the guys gasp dramatically. "That's what our fans call themselves." Zayn grins.

'One minute until show time'

I forward the message to Megan. One minute until we begin to punk the boys. Liam leads me out of the restaurant to the van. A few body guards are following us. Simon already told them about what's going to happen. Megan nods her head slightly. As we get closer to the van, I see two cop cars parked by it. Here we go. Liam walks faster to the van.

"What's going on here?" Liam asks the first cop.

The cop has short red hair and aviators on. "Are you Tori Adams?" The cop points to me.

I glance at Liam trying to look scared. "Yes." I answer.

"Over here boys." The cop yells to the other cops. "Tori Adams, you are under arrest for the kidnapping of One Direction."

Liam steps in front of me protectively. The rest of the guys walk up behind us. Megan holds on to Harry's arm.

"Are we getting a ticket?" Louis asks, looking from the cop to us.

"Megan." I turn to her with tears in my eyes.

One of the cops step forward and grabs my arm. "You two are under arrest for kidnapping One Direction." The other cop grabs ahold of Megan.

The main cop pushes me away from Liam. "Start crying at any moment. I'm going to slam you against the car. Make it look like it hurts." He whispers in my ear.

I nod my head slightly. "Liam!" I cry out, a few fake tears roll down my face. He slams me against the good of the car. I cry out in pain for effect.

"Get your hands off of her!" Liam orders, walking over to us. "Zayn, call Simon!"

The cop handcuffs my wrists together and begins reading me my rights. He pulls me backwards away from the car. The other cop has Megan already handcuffed.

"I did it!" Megan yells. "Tori had nothing to do with it!"

"Megan, stop it!" I yell at her. "They know what happened! It's over! I should have never thought that we would have gotten away with it!" I cry.

"Can we talk about this?" Harry asks, looking worried.

"Sure. When these two girls are in jail." The cop pushes me forwards.

I lock eyes with Liam with tears rolling down my face. "I don't want to go to jail." I whisper. I pretend that my knees give out and I fall on the concrete.

Liam rushes forward. The cop lets go of my hands and walks back to his cop car. Liam crouches down next to me. His hands cup my cheeks to make me look at him. I bite my lip and continue to cry. Liam is going to hate me so much for this.

"Simon's on is way!" Zayn says.

"I can't go to jail." I shake my head.

"Everything is going to be okay." Liam wipes my tears away. "Simon is going to sort everything out."

"Megan! Get back here!" Louis shouts.

I look up to see Megan running down the street with a cop chasing behind her. I bite my lip to keep myself from laughing. That must have been last minute. The cop walks back over and gives me a nod. That means I get to tell them that they are being punk'd.

Don't hate me too much.

"Alright." The cop helps me stand. "Let's get you downtown."

"No! I'm not going!" I shake my head. "I still have to say something!"

"What?" The cop taps his foot impatiently. The other cop is dragging Megan back over her.

"Guys, you just got Punk'd!" I laugh as the camera crew runs out to film it.

All the guys looked beyond shocked. Louis and Niall start laughing and wave at the camera. I stare at Liam waiting for his reaction. His face is blank for a few seconds then he breaks out in a smile. It almost looks forced.

"That was crazy!" Louis steps in front of us. "I actually believed that they were going to jail."

The guys form a line in front of the camera. "We're One Direction and we just got Punk'd!"


Author's Note:


I wasn't sure how to do the whole Punk'd thing. I hope you like it.

I have a really great idea for a new story, but I'm not going to upload it until I finish the first book of ODTMH. There will be a second book to this. I already know how I am going to end this book. You will hate me for it. I already know you will. Don't worry. Everything will turn out fine in the second book.

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