I dropped them on top of the bed and grabbed his boxers before he could.

"What should I wear if you end up wearing all my clothes."

"Hey, you're the one who tore my panties."

He gave me a superior shrug while moving to the wardrobe. He pulled off another white shirt.

"I have never seen you wearing a t-shirt," I told him; he turned, his look puzzled, like wearing a t-shirt had never occurred to him."

"When we were growing up, all we wore were t-shirts. I guess I outgrew them." came a snappy voice, changing his whole demur. The playful, arrogant, seductive, and amused Raphael was gone, replaced by a forlorn, snappy and impatient version of himself.

I did not like this version. I wanted my Raphael back, but I gave him space to chew on whatever landmine I had unknowingly stepped on. I wondered what kind of life he had had while growing up. About his mother, his father; did he have siblings. Who was he referring to when he said we?

I left him behind, walking out of the bedroom, heading to the kitchen.

As I walked to the kitchen, reflecting on my life, I realized that no matter what Raphael told me, I will never regret what we did or blame him for giving me an ultimatum. He did not force me, coerce, or threaten me into making love with him. It was my choice; it was my decision.

I stood in the kitchen, watching a flurry of rain pattering on the window. My face looked broken or scarred from the reflection on it. I looked sad, but I wasn't; I felt rejuvenated, alive. I was content.

He walked in and stood behind me, not touching but close enough to feel his breath. We stared at each other in the blurry window, but I couldn't make out his eyes to gauge his mood. We stayed like that for a while; our eyes fixed on each other on the window.

I wondered if the brokenness of our images represented our relationship. Were we about to be break up? Was my heart about to break for the first time?

"Are you still talking to me?"

"Of course, I'm talking to you! Why wouldn't I?" He huffed, putting his forehead on my shoulder, his hands on my hips. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it. I understand," I assured him.

Somehow I understood an unhappy childhood; I was a product of one, and even though I hated talking about mine, I wanted very much to know about Raphael's.

"I'm sorry if I snapped at you."

"It's okay." I turned away from the window to face him. He palmed my face and kissed my forehead.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked, walking me to the dining table.

"What if I said hot French fries and Buttermilk Crispy Chicken from MacDonald" I teased.

"I would have it delivered within 10 minutes," He said earnestly. His face inscrutable, but he gave me an indulgent smile.

"I could give you everything you want. All you have to do is ask me," He said

I wanted to cry because all I wanted was his heart, to have his children and share the rest of my life with him.

I stared at him; he stared at me. I was seated, and he was leaning on the dining table.

The room was silent, but our eyes spoke volumes. Rain still pattered outside in the dark. We seemed to be the only two people in the world.

"Would you really have it delivered in 10 minutes?" I asked, completely ignoring his latter statement. I did not want to get into a discussion of what I wanted from him, I wanted too much, and I doubted he was ready to hear it or whether I was ready to say it loud.

"Without a doubt."

"Will it involve waking up someone?"

"Absolutely," He said, matter- of -factly

"I cannot allow you to wake people on my account," I was appalled.

"But I can wake them on mine!" He counter-argued.

"You're without scruples."

"None whatsoever," he laughed softly at my horrified look.

"Cara, what do you want to eat?" He asked me again.

"I can make us a sandwich" I stood up, heading to the fridge. He sat down, watching me work around the kitchen.

"You look beautiful in my kitchen, cara."

"I thought it was Flora's."

"No, we just let her think that" I laughed at that, and we stared at each other for a second of shared delight and flirtatious thrill.

I resumed my task, but I could feel his eyes still watching and probably contemplating me.

"Are you sleepy?" He finally asked

"What?" I flushed, avoiding his eyes.

"Not for that cara; I want to take you somewhere." He said, amused, looking uncertain, waiting for my answer. "We could pick up fries and whichever chicken you want on our way" He went on to persuade me, afraid I was going to say no.

"No, I do not have to sleep tonight" Excitedly, I stopped making the sandwich, stared at Raphael, who was, I guess, tickled by my excitement.

"You'll need to change out of my clothes though"

" Of course," I said, instinctively kissing his forehead, shocking us both.

The next few hours went on like a whirlwind, me showering in record time, dressing in my designer jeans for the first time, a denim jacket, red sandals that were too high but made me look sexy and sophisticated.

It was past midnight; Raphael wore the usual with a blue-black jacket. He drove us in this sleek shiny car that Romano loved driving and which he said Bruno was not allowed to drive because he was a maniac driver or something like that.

It was fun, him and me, in an almost empty road. I spoke non-stop about anything and everything that popped into my head. Raphael didn't talk much, but once in a while, he would look at me for a second and say. "Put your head back in the car, cara!" and I would, for a while anyway, before forgetting and sticking my head outside again.

It was perfect; everything was perfect. If nothing ever happened with Raphael, if the worst happened and we both went ahead and lived our lives independently from each other, if I married another man and if he married another woman—I will never forget how I felt at this moment. I will forever remember how I wore, what I said, the smell in the air, his voice, the joy in his eyes. My love for him. This felt right. This was right. I was meant to be with him today. I was meant to be in his at this moment. I will always remember I was his for a few hours.

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Bred In Violence (A Mafia Romance Book One) #𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟏Where stories live. Discover now