I like you

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I like you,

it's just three words

Why can't I tell you?

We text non-stop,

I try  to make it obvious,

Why can't I just tell you?

I play games,

And I laugh at nothing

Why must I deny it?

Just hearing your name

can make me smile,

Yet I say no, why?

I like you,

I say we are friends,

Why can't I say te truth?

As time passes,

My feelings knaw at me

Why can't I just type it out?

One day comes

I say I will tell you

Why must I make this so hard?

I hit send

Watch the screen, through my hands

What is your reaction going to be?

I like you,

I didn't even settle on that,

I kinda like you,

Is that different?

You say its

good at least I don't hate you,

How can you be so calm?

I like you,

Now you know,

The rest is easy.

Poems of my LifeWhere stories live. Discover now