Image of me

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A geek, a clutz, a loner.

Only a few words

that describe myself.

An idoit, a scardy-cat, an adventurer.

Words told by others

to descirbe me.

A bitch, a clinger, a mystery.

This is turning into

a bad image of me.

A carer, a secert, a shy-girl.

So many things I have been

called, all have made my personality.

I am a geek yet an idoit,

a loner with friends,

a scardy-cat who loves adventure.

I am a bitch yet a carer,

a shy-girl but outgoing,

a secret who never shuts up.

Some, most, almost all,

of these words are

True, are mean, what I have embraced.

To become the person I am today.

Poems of my LifeWhere stories live. Discover now