Chapter One

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It was my last night in Boston which meant it was my last fight. Pulled on my red tights and tank then grabbed my red mascaraed mask and walked out the brown door with my hair swinging behind me. I jogged out to the fight arena and looked around at the competition for tonight. I pulled my mask on and just stood in the back.

"Well it looks like Red Death decided to ditch tonight," the announcer said glumly because I was always the main event. I stepped out of the shadows toward the ring as my opponent cheered as he thought that I was afraid of him. Someone behind me gasped as he realized who I was, I turned and shushed him as I jumped over the fence. I jogged over to my opponent and tapped him on the shoulder. He spun around and looked at me in shock I nailed him in the face. We begun the fight and I dominated him. I finished all my fights with knockout after knockout, I left the ring with a big wad of cash in my hand. Everyone there knew that it would be my last fight because I was moving so they gave my a crap ton of high fives on the way out. As I left the ring I broke into a jog back towards my luxuryous apartment. I got back around three in the morning and decided to sleep till six because I wanted to get an early start on my drive tomorrow.



My alarm clock finally shut up when I flung it acroos the room and it shattered against my barren white walls. I got up and threw on my work out clothes and left my apartment for a run then to work out at the gym.


I walked into my barren apartment showered dressed and packed the last few things I need. I grabbed my bags and the few boxes I had because the furnishings belonged to the landlord and headed to my truck.


My cellphone buzzed against my hip and it turned out to be my fight manager.

(E=Ella C=Chandler)

E- wassup dude

C- Nice fight last night I booked you for a fight tonight in NYC

E- Litty will you be there?

C- heck yeah I wouldn't miss my little star fight

E- KK see you there boss man.

With that I hung up. I threw my stuff in my truck and started the drive to NYC. I arrived at my apartment because I had come a few weeks in advance to get one. I went to the managers office and squared things away then went up and unpacked. By the time I was finished it was eight and I needed to get to the fighting ring so I could survey my possible opponents. I unloaded my baby from the back of my truck. My baby was a flat matte black Harley with blood red rims. I stuck the key in the ignition and she roared to life. I took off to the fight location in my fighting outfit(mentioned above). I watched all the fights and saw little competition.

"WE HAVE A NEW COMER THE RED DEATH AND RUMOR HAS IT SHE RULED THE BOSTON RINGS SO LETS GIVE HER A NEW YORK WELCOME" screamed the announcer and the crowd booed. I walked into the ring with my calm persona and sized up my opponent. The announcer yelled fight and he took off towards me and right before he hit me I sidestepped and he ran into a wall. He came back for more but I nailed him in the jaw and he went down. I kept fighting like this and nobody came close to striking me by the end of the night I had won $83,000. I grabbed my money and walked to get a beer. I was about to pay for my beer when someone beat me to it.

"What do you want," I muttered

"Nobody talks to me like that," He growled. I was pissed so I just chugged my beer and went to my bike. I got on and sped off when I looked behind me a figure was staring at me. A man came up to him then he left. I didn't care so I just went home and slept.


I got up exercised then took a shower and got ready because I was going to see my parents today and I had the day off from fights. I got in my truck and sped to our "house" well mansion is more like it. I drove up the massive drive and hopped out. I ran to the door and knocked only to be greeted by my teary eyed mom.

"Mom did you miss me that much," I asked sarcastically.

"Honey we have something to tell you," My dad said solemnly as he appeared.

"K so what's the news," I said suspiciously.

"You've been sold," my dad said glumly.

"What the heck!" I screamed. The man from last night appeared behind my parents.

"So I just bought The Red Death," He said menacingly.

"The who," my parents screamed probably because they had heard my reputation.

"Who?" I asked innocently.

"Lets go your coming with me," He replied annoyed.

"No," I said cockily.

"El" my mom warned.

I'm Sold to Who Now!(Finished)(In Editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt