Chapter-25 : Cruxes

Start from the beginning

"We must appoint a detective ma! Right now!" my eyes glistened as realization dawned on me. I was so imprudent before!

She smiled,"Yeah you should. Now call Yogesh and return his job. Call the cops and tell them to keep an eye on each of the persons involved in accounting here. I gotta go to the bank now. There has been an allegation against my name claiming that I didn't pay my loans for this three months which I actually did."

My jaw dropped automatically hearing her. How can she be so calm in such moments?!?

"How did that happen mom?"

"I don't know. I must give my attendance in the bank and pay full one million taka now if I don't want any cases against me."

My head went blank. One million taka?!? WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON WITH US?!?!

"I'm coming with you."

"No you're not. You have to handle your business here. There is lots to do now. Focus on that."she stopped and added after a long pause,"This wouldn't have happened if your dad was here." She softly sighed and immediately went out making me stupefied. This is the first time I heard her talking like this.

I stepped towards my room and did as I was told. This is not the right time to grieve for dad. As I have already been involved with H2O, I myself have to take measures to save it. There is no turning back now.

In an hour, after returning the accountant's post to Yogesh, I was in the Chittagong police station waiting to file a case.

"Sir, you please wait here. ASP sir will be here in minutes."the SI said.

I took my seat on a grimy oily chair and lit up a cigarette trying to figure out what I should do. ASP Joynal joined me in no time putting a wide grin on his face.

"Oh look at my luck! The owner of H2O is here to meet me! Tell me Sir, tea or coffee?"

I forced a smile and shook hands with him. "Thanks but I will have none. ASP Joynal, I need your help in my office."

"Yes sure. Please sit down."

"I need to track all the people and know their hereabouts to find where my dibs are going." After sitting, I began to explain what happened already but he stopped me before listening to all of it,

"Mr. Khan, don't mind me but you are new in this line. Nothing has happened yet that you would have to file a report." he was still smiling.

"Excuse me? There has been massive bankruptcy in my company. Each month there is a shortage in my account. The bank says we didn't repay our loans that I clearly know we did. And you're saying nothing happened??"

"Chht..."he sneered and lifted his leg off on an empty stool beside him, "How much money has gone by now Mr. Khan?"

"As far as I know one and a half million in six months. And the bank money too."

He chuckled loud making me evermore infuriated, "Only 1.5 million? Mr Khan are you crazy that you'll report a complaint about that? You will need ten times more money if you want my men to work for you. Listen to my advice and focus on your business. I mean, who needs to think about such a poor amount of money where he earns crores in a month???"

I was quite taken aback by his comment. "So you're saying you won't give your people to track my workers?" I clenched my fist trying hard to keep my cool.

Smilingly he got up and extended his hand for a shake with a smirk, "Hope we will come to your help when it is a big deal Mr. Abir Khan."

"Yeah sure. Thank you." I got up and throwing away my half finished cigarette, ushered out, not bothering to shake hands with a filthy guy like him.

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