Ch.80 Set sail

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A few days later after the defeat of Pan, everyone gathered at the docks to say goodbye to their new friends.

"I'm really gonna miss you two" Alice said to Peter and Wendy "I don't know when we'll see each other again, but I'll most likely be old by the time we do see each other."

"Alice don't say that" Wendy begged while holding her hand "Piper told us that he's still thinking about whether to grow up or not. And if he doesn't want to grow up, we'll still be by your side."

"You'll always be our friend till the end" Peter added with a smile.

And with that they embraced in a tight hug, knowing that their friendship will never break.

Meanwhile, after bidding his new friends a farewell, Chris turned around and spotted Marissa who was still saying goodbye to their friends. And when she was done, he suddenly got a thought as he walked up to her.

"Marissa" he greeted her.

"Hey Chris" she smiled.

"So, it's kinda hard to believe we're finally going home huh?"

"I know" she agreed with a bit surprised "I don't even remember how long it's been."

"What's the first thing you're going to do when we get back?"

"I don't know, maybe get to know more about yer mateys Scout and Ashton."

"And let them try some of your cooking" he added with a smile as she gave a small giggle "Hey um, when we get back, and after we catch up with everything, do you maybe wanna- um..."

He started to get nervous as Marissa waited for what he had to say.

"Maybe we can..." he continued, but then stopped while nervously biting his lip.

"Christopher Hawkins" she suddenly spoke with a smirk "Are ye asking me out on a date?"

"Yes- I mean no- I mean maybe- I mean-".

Before he could even continue, Marissa leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on his lips.

"Of course" she smiled.

He gave a proud smile as they went on board Blackbeard's ship.

"Boy I can't wait to sail this" Porter grinned as the musketeers started to climb on board too.

"Have ye already figured a name out?" Marissa asked them.

"We have-" Antony replied "We're going with 'Carpe Diem'."

"Perfect" Chris commented with a smile.

Down on the docks, Piper and the others were still saying goodbye to their friends when Piper turned to the Lost Boys.

"You boys ready to go?" he questioned.

"Yep" they replied while holding onto to go containers.

"What's in those?" Piper pointed.

"Just some food from the diner" Slightly answered casually "Specifically pie."

Piper gave a small chuckle as the Lost Boys boarded Jane's ship.

"Well Piper-" Brenden said "We hope to see you again."

"I hope so" Piper agreed as they shook hands "I'm gonna miss this place. I'm also gonna miss you guys."

"Aw" the Wonderland girls chorused while spreading their arms out.

"Come here" Lauren giggled as they all gathered around him and into a group hug as Brenden couldn't help but chuckle.

"Hey Piper" Elena spoke up after the Wonderland girls pulled away "Thank you again for the Blue Pixie Dust, because of you we're getting closer to breaking this curse."

"No problem" he smiled "It was nice meeting you by the way."

"You too" she smiled back.

As they continued to bed farewell, Jane turned to Ilene and spoke softly to her.

"I know you have feelings for Aidan-" she said "And don't give up, deep down, I know he likes ye back. It just takes time."

Ilene turned around and spotted Aidan who made eye contact with her, smiled, and returned to talking to Terrence as she faced Jane with a smile.

"We have got to play cards next time" she declared.

Now on board the ship, everyone looked down at their friends on deck as they all smiled and waved. And after dusting Blackbeard's ship with pixie dust, Tinkerbell flew towards Piper and landed her tiny body onto his shoulder.

"Let's go home Tink" he smiled at her.

Once she was ready, Jane ordered her crew to release the sails and hoist the anchor as the ship began to rise.

"Can I steer?" Piper asked her from the deck as she looked down on him.

Remembering the surprise kiss they shared, she gave him a flirty smile as she replied.

"Do ye even know how to steer a ship?"

"You can show me" he suggested with a smirk.

She smiled back as she motioned him to come up. Once he was next to her, Piper turned to the deck and gave one last wave goodbye to his friends. And as soon as the ship was completely out of the water, Piper steered the ship towards the sky as Blackbeard's ship followed. Everyone on the docks watched as both ships disappeared into the sky and off to Neverland.

"Well-" Elena spoke up "I have to admit, this was quite an adventure."

"I hope we can see them again soon" Olivia confessed "They were awesome people."

"What do you guys think Piper and Jane are gonna do when they get home?" Aidan smirked.

"Aidan" Darling breathed with embarrassment.

"So what do we do now?" Terrence questioned.

"Well we gotta go finish the school work we missed these past days" Elena sighed as everyone groaned.

"On the bright side-" Lauren put in "We can all do it at the diner while I pass out some study snacks."

Everyone agreed as they headed off.


Now back in Neverland, after getting everything settled, Piper sat at the wooden table outside and played a soft tune on his panpipes just as Jane joined him.

"How ye feeling?" she asked calmly.

"Glad to be home without Pan in the way" he replied in relief.

"Ye already missing everyone in Storybrooke?"

"Aye" he sighed "But I'll see them again, don't know when, but I will."

"Can ye still feel Pan inside of you?"

"Of course, but he wont be coming out anytime soon I promise that."

She smiled "I'm really proud of you, ye never stopped being the Piper I know."

He gave a small smile as she laid her head on his shoulder, both feeling glad to have each other. And inside the main tree, Peter peeked out from the door as he watched Piper and Jane embraced in the moment.

"You think he's going to be okay?" Wendy asked while wrapping her arms around him and into a side hug.

"He will" he assured as he held onto her "He's our son, he'll know how what to do."

"We raised a brave boy" she smiled.

"Aye" he agreed with a smile.

Epilogue coming next

Once Upon a Time: Ever After High (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now