Ch.58 Hard breathing

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So I just found out that Ever After High is officially cancelled. Another great show left unfinished, what do you know. Although I'm not sure if they're gonna be continuing the books or not, all I know is that the cartoon is finished. And even though that really pisses me off, I still hope they'll continue the books until further notice. But since the cartoon is cancelled, I'm still gonna be continuing this series till the very end, I still love Ever After High and not planning on quitting it anytime soon. So don't worry, the show may be finished, but this series isn't :)

(Flashback) After escaping the palace, Marie made her way to the docks where she went up to a pirate ship and up to the captain.

"Blackbeard" she said with a sneaky smile "I've got it."

She reached into the satchel and pulled out the Crown Jewel.

"Excellent Marie" Blackbeard grinned as he took the ring and examined it "Boy it's a real beauty isn't it?"

"I'll say" she agreed with a smirk.

"Well I appreciate the help-" he thanked as he handed her a small bag of coins "Ye deserve it."

"With pleasure" she grinned as she took the bag and walked off.

But as she did so, she didn't notice Arial who had jump come out from a store and spotted her walking by. Wondering what she was up to, Arial quickly hid behind a wagon and watched as Marie headed towards another ship.

"What are you up to Marie?" she questioned with a narrow look.

As she watched Marie climbed aboard the ship, she suddenly spotted something that caught her eye as he stomach dropped, aboard the ship, she spotted some boxes that seemed out of placed, written on the sides was the word Explosive.

Knowing that something sinister may happen, Arial quickly ran off to find her friends.

With the Dreamshade venom running through his veins, Piper did his best to drag himself through the woods to get back to the camp for help. He could barely breath as he tried to grab onto anything to pull him across the ground.

"He- help" he manged to say, but it was so quiet he knew no one could of heard it.

And knowing that he wouldn't be able to make it to camp in time, he needed to come up with another way to attract attention. But seeing that there wasn't, he knew he had to do the only thing possible. So gaining up as much air as he can, he managed to give a loud scream.

"Help!" he screamed, no matter how hard it was for him to breath it out.

Back at the campsite, Elena suddenly heard what sounded like a scream coming from the woods.

"Did anyone hear that?" she asked.

"Hear what?" Mira questioned.

"I think I just heard someone screaming for help" she explained while looking into the woods "And it sounded an awful lot like Piper."

At that point everyone's eyes widen, and with that Elena and the Charmings took off into the woods.

"Piper!" Elena called as they searched the woods.

"Over- here" they suddenly heard a weak voice cry.

Following the sound, they headed straight until they finally came upon Piper still on the ground and in pain.

"Oh my God" Elena gasped as she knelled next to him and examined his body when she held up his arm to show his black veins.

"Dreamshade" Aidan gasped as they all gasped as well.

"Come on help him up" Elena ordered as they all helped Piper up and manged to get it back to camp where everyone couldn't believe their eyes when they saw him.

"What happened?!" Wendy gasped as they placed Piper on the ground as everyone surrounded him.

"Dreamshade" Elena announced as she held up his arm to show his black veins as they all gasped.

"How?!" Jane demanded "Where's the cut?"

"No cut" Piper breathed out while trying to gasp for air "Pan- tricked me."

"Wait-" her eyes widen "Does that mean you consumed it?!"

"Have- 4 hours" he breathed as his body started to heat up and he began to sweat "Pan says- either save me- or Wonderlandians."

Everyone gasped again as they turned to each other.

"Wait hold on a sec-" Aidan spoke up "I thought there wasn't a cure for Dreamshade when someone consumes it?"

"There is- one way" Piper breathed.

"Wait what?" Jane questioned surprised "Why did I not know about this?"

"What is it?" Olivia asked Piper.

"In- my mother's old house-" he breath while clutching his stomach "Move the big wooden box- then dig underneath- you'll find a small box- and inside it's- the Never Diamond."

"The Never Diamond?!" Jane, Marissa, and Chris all exclaimed.

"What's the Never Diamond?" Terrence inquired.

"It's the diamond I was looking for on my last voyage" Jane explained.

"So was I" Chris put in as he turned to Piper "Piper, did a ghost pirate name Dayna Jones give you the diamond?"

"You ran into her didn't you?" Piper breathed.


"So let me this get this straight-" Elena suddenly said to Piper "The Never Diamond could save your life?"

"Haft of you go save the Wonderlandians-" he ordered "And the rest of you get the diamond."

"But, how do we get to Marooner's Rock?" Olivia asked.

"I'll lead the way" Jane offered "Who's coming with me?"

Elena, Olivia, the Charmings, and Mira raised their hands.

"Alright-" Jane concluded "Ye all come with me, the rest of ye get that diamond."

"How do we even use it?" Courtly asked.

"I'll explain it" Piper breathed "Just hurry."

"Come on!" Jane ordered as everyone went their separate ways.

After they were gone, Peter and Wendy along with the Lost Boys helped Piper up and brought him inside their bedroom of the tree where they placed him on the bed. Piper was starting to sweat more and the venom continued to run throughout his body as he tried to catch his breath. As Wendy prepared a bowl of cold water, everyone did their best to stay calm.

"How exactly is the Never Diamond going to save you?" Tootles asked.

"I'll show you-" Piper breathed "When they get here."

"You're gonna be fine" Peter assured "Just hang in there."

At that point Piper clutched his chest in pain. Fearing the worse, Peter tore opened the front of Piper's shirt revealing his torso where everyone saw the venom in his veins that were heading to his heart.

"4 hours?" Slightly doubted with a worried look "It seems like 4 minutes to me, or less."

Once Upon a Time: Ever After High (Book 10)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora