Ch.26 Abby

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(Flashback) Months before she lost her hand, Jane used her knife to carved a piece of wood that she held in her right hand while sitting on a boulder near a creek in the Neverwoods. She didn't remember how long she had been carving the wood, but she had gotten to the point where it was fully sharp at the tip. But as she continued to carve, she suddenly heard a noise that made her heart drop.

The sound of a clock ticking.

Knowing that means the Crocodile was near, she got off the boulder and peered into the creek, expecting to see the figure of the beast. But for some reason she didn't see it, so instead she looked around to see if it was on land instead, but again she didn't see it. Her heart pounded with fear as she frantically searched everywhere for the Crocodile.

"Boo!" someone suddenly shouted behind her as she jumped in freight.

Clutching her chest, she turned around to see Piper who was laughing up a storm while holding a pocket watch that was causing the ticking sound.

"Oh my God" he snickered "You should of seen the look on your face, you were so scared."

Jane gave a growl of anger as she snatched the watch from him, placed it on the boulder, and used her sharpen piece of wood to stab the watch multiple times until it broke into pieces.

"You really don't like clocks" he stated.

"Leave me the hell alone Pan" she ordered sternly as she stormed off.

"Oh come on!" Piper urged with a smile "I was just trying to have some fun!"

"Thee only time I'll ever have fun with you is when I'm carrying yer head on a stick!" she snapped as she continued off.

"Yikes" he bit his lip with a cringe.

After that he flew off and back to the Lost Boys campsite where he spotted his parents and the Lost Boys talking to someone who he's never seen before. As he landed, his mother turned around and spotted him.

"Oh Piper you're here" she smiled "I want you to meet someone."

Everyone moved out of the way for Piper to meet the new person. And when they did, he saw that it was a young pretty girl about his age in a Victorian nightgown with long blonde hair and gorgeous sky blue eyes that made his heart skip.

"Piper this is Abby" Wendy introduced "She's my neighbor back in England. And Abby this is my son Piper."

"Hello" Abby greeted him with a friendly smile.

"Hi" he greeted back with a smile.

"Abby really wanted to visit Neverland-" Peter put in "And we were wondering if you would like to show her around."

"Oh" Piper said a bit surprised "Uh, sure."

He turned to Abby.

"Where would you like to go first?" he asked.

"I really wanna see Mermaid Lagoon" she replied with a smile.

"Well follow me then" he grinned as he offered his hand as she took it.

As they headed off, Tootles whispered to Piper.

"Way to go man!" he whispered with a thumbs up as Piper gave him a mad look with embarrassment.

On their way to the Lost Boys campsite, everyone kept their eyes open for danger and hopefully their friends.

"Are we almost there?" Mira asked Jane.

"Aye" Jane replied "Just keep yer eyes out for any danger."

"Does anyone think Darling and Chase are dead?" Courtly suddenly questioned.

"Courtly!" everyone gasped offended.

"I'm just saying" she stated "I mean we haven't found them and they haven't returned."

"I'm pretty sure they're okay" Terrence assured "Maybe they're just-".

But before he could continued, footsteps were heard as everyone turned to the direction it was coming from. They all took out their weapons and waited for an attack, but instead they were surprised to see that it was Darling and Chase.

"Darling?! Chase?!" everyone gasped as the couple panted for air.

"Oh sweet victory" Darling breathed in relief.

"What the hell happened to you guys?" Elena gasped "Are you two okay?"

"We almost weren't" Chase breathed as they finally calm down.

"So what happened?" Aidan asked.

"We fell down a hill and through a hole in the ground and we ended up in the Crocodile's grotto" Darling explained.

"Oh jeez" Aidan gasped.

"We manged to escape though, and then we were 'rescued' by Becky."

"Becky?" Jane questioned.

"And speaking of Becky-" Chase added "She's working for Blackbeard."

"What?!" everyone gasped.

"Look like she dropped" he pulled out the bag and showed them the Night Roots.

"Night Roots" Mira gasped.

"Wait why does she have Night Roots?" Olivia asked with confusion.

"Turns out she's the one who put Night Root in Piper's drink-" Darling frowned "She's the cause of his clone."

"Bloody hell" Jane breathed with shock.

"And she tried to kill us when we found out" Chase added "Plus Blackbeard knows we're here, and we think he and Piper's clone are working together."

"What makes you say that?" Elena asked.

"Becky told us that Blackbeard and Pan are going to do anything they can to make sure we don't get in the way of their plans. Now she didn't say what they were up to, but she did say that Blackbeard doesn't want anything with us."

"Now I think that the only reason they're working together is because they made a deal" Darling put in "I don't know what, it's just a thought."

"I have a feeling you're right" Jane agreed "We have to find the Wonderlandians quick."

"And get the hell out of here" Elena added.

"Now that's gonna be hard to do" a voice suddenly said as everyone turned to see Piper's clone and Blackbeard on top of a hill looking down at them.

"Blackbeard" Jane growled.

"Jane Hook" Blackbeard smirked "I haven't seen ye in years."

"Well I've been avoiding ye for years" she scowled.

"Would you look at this" Pan grinned "The whole gang is going on a quest to find their friends, how brave is that?"

"What are you up to Pan?" Elena demanded.

"Is everyone gonna keep asking me that?"

"Pretty much" Aidan shrugged.

"Well I will tell you this, even if you all manage to find your friends, they're not gonna be leaving this island alive, and maybe not even all of you."

Just then everyone spotted pirates appearing around them from their hiding spots, realizing that they were surrounded as they turned to Pan who had on a devilish grin.

"Kill them" he ordered the pirates.

Once Upon a Time: Ever After High (Book 10)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora