Ch.14 Sense

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(Flashback) After leaving the group, Piper made his way through the Neverwoods, hoping that he wasn't being watched as he came upon a little house made from woods, leaves, twigs, and other things found in nature. Knowing that the house used to belong to his mother when she first came to Neverland, he knew he was the perfect place for a secret hideout since no one had bothered to enter the house anymore, besides him that is.

After making sure that no one was around, he opened the door and stepped inside where he moved a pile of leaves out of the way and pulled out a little tin box as he opened it and pulled out the map. After sighing in relief that it was still in the box, he went out of the little house, took one last look to see that no one was around, and was about to stuff the map into his pocket when he suddenly heard what sounded like faint bells. He looked up and saw a fairy with a bright glow flying towards him.

"Hey Tink" he smiled as his father's fairy sidekick Tinkerbell "What's up?"

She spoke in her fairy language, to others it sounded like little bells, but to the Neverland residents, they were able to understand fairies.

"My parents are here already?" he said "Okay."

He stuffed the map into his pocket as Tink spoke to him.

"Oh it's just a map that I found" he replied "Although I can't keep it, I'm gonna show my parents and then I gotta put it back... it's a long story, I can't explain it."

And with that he flew off as the fairy followed. He flew back to the campsite where he saw his parents already talking with the group.

"Hey, look who's back" Alistair smiled while looking at Piper.

"So you told them about us?" Peter said while crossing his arms.

"Sorry dad" Piper said with guilt "Alistair figured it out."

"I'm sorry too" Alistair put in "But you guys don't have to worry, we can keep a secret."

"You better" Peter added.

"You know it's hard to believe you're really Wendy" Lizzie said to Wendy who stood by Peter "You still look really young."

"Well we do live in Neverland so" Wendy smiled as she then turned to Alistair "Now you Mr, you look just like your mother."

"I get that a lot" he smiled.

"It's a shame what happened to her" she added with a sad look "I hope you find her soon."

"Thanks" he sighed.

"So Peter" Kitty spoke up "How come you didn't want us in that room in that tree?"

"That's because it's my room with Wendy" he replied "I was afraid that if any of you went inside, you would see our stuff and get suspicious."

"Like we weren't already suspicious when we found out that you had a son" she smirked.

"Oh well" he shrugged "So how are you guys liking Neverland?"

"Oh it's great" Maddie smiled "We had a lot of fun, even though he almost got killed by the pirates and the crocodile."

"Oh yeah" he chuckled "Did you see Hook?"

"No actually" Alistair replied "We didn't get a chance, we met his daughter though."

"It's kinda creepy that she looks like me" Lizzie added.

"Yeah I noticed that" Peter put in "Are you two related?"

"No" she groaned "And nobody ask me that again."

By the time it was night, everyone had gathered on the beach to say goodbye to their guests.

"Thank you for inviting us" Alistair smiled to Peter "We had a great time."

"I'm glad you did" Peter smiled back as they shook hands "And I hope you guys can come back again."

"Oh we will" Lizzie assured as they got onto their ship.

Pretty soon the Wonderlandians aboard their ship as everyone waved and said their goodbyes as the ship flew off.

"Well then-" Wendy said "I should get started on dinner."

But as she was about to walk back, she noticed the bruises and red marks on Piper's arm.

"Piper" she said a bit shock as she held up his arm "What happened?"

"Oh uh, it's nothing" he pulled his arm away.

"Why do you have bruises on your arms?" Peter asked with a concerned look.

"He said his shadow did it" Tootles answered.

"Your shadow did that to you?" Wendy said surprised.

"It's kinda complicated" Piper replied while hiding his nervousness, but then he remembered what the pirate warned him about "But uh, there is something I wanna show you."

After leaving the apartment, Kayla held up Piper's sketchbook that had the tattoo designs.

"Hope this works" she sighed as she took a sniff of the notebook, and soon she caught his scent.

"Ah here we go" she smiled as she followed the scent.

She went down the sidewalk down in Main Street while looking around, and when she looked ahead, she spotted Piper sitting on the bench in front of the 'Wonder diner' on his phone.

"Well hello" she grinned as she walked up to him "Excuse me."

He looked up from his phone, now that she's seen his face, she knew it was him.

"Hi" she smiled "Are you Piper Pan?"

At that point he felt his heart drop as he tried to remain calm.

"Uh, no" he lied.

She took out his photo and showed it to him.

"Liar" she said "You're him alright."

At that point he tried to run, but Kayla held him back.

"Whoa hold on" she said "It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you."

"What do you want from me?" he demanded.

"I was sent by your Wonderland friends to look for you."

"What?" his eyes widen.

"Yeah that's right, they know you're here, and they need your help."

"What for?"

"They just got abducted by pirates."

"Wait what?!" he gasped.

"Yeah, some friends of mine saw them being taken through a portal, and your pirate friend said that they were going to Neverland."

"Wait, Jane is here?!" he gasped again.

"Yeah" she nodded "She came here to look for you, but she sent me for you while she along with my friends went to Neverland to look for the Wonderlandians, and they need your help."

"Oh my God" he gasped as he started to panic "I can't believe this."

"If you don't hurry now they could get killed" she added.

"Right, but before I do, there's something I have to get."


"Do you know where I can find the Dark One's dagger?"

"Uh, why?" she asked with a concerned look.

"Because there's something, or should I say someone in Neverland that I have to take care of, and it's not the Dark One."

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