Ch.60 Fake identity

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While Jane and the others headed off to Marooner's Rock, the other haft of the group made it to Wendy's little house to retrieve the diamond.

"Well this is a cute place" Arial commented.

"Piper said that the diamond was buried under a big wooden box" Chase reminded "So does anyone have a shovel or something?"

Everyone looked at each other, wondering what they were going to use.

"How about this?" Chris picked up a small log.

"It'll do" Chase declared as he opened the door and stepped inside and immediately spotted the big wooden box.

After he and Courtly moved the box out of the way, he used the log and began to dig in the dirt. And after loosening up the dirt, he and Courtly used their hands to scoop the dirt out until they spotted a small box.

"We got it" Courtly announced as they pulled the box out and brought it outside.

Everyone surrounded the box as Chase opened, and there he pulled out the sky blue Never Diamond that twinkled in the light.

Everyone surrounded the box as Chase opened, and there he pulled out the sky blue Never Diamond that twinkled in the light

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"It's beautiful" Marissa gasped in astonishment.

"So that's what it looks like" Chris concluded.

"We can admire it later-" Chase suddenly said "Let's just get this to Piper."

"Actually" a voice suddenly said as they turned around to see Becky who was aiming a gun at them.

"I'm afraid you're gonna have to give that to me" she smirked.

Everyone froze with shock, but the musketeers were more shocked when they saw her.

"You" Blade gasped "It can't be."

"I'm afraid it is" she smirked again.

(Flashback) After a while of drifting off to sea, Marie laid passed out of exhaustion on the driftwood, too tired to open her eyes to see where she was. Not knowing how long it had been since the explosion, goosebumps covered her body due to the coldness from the water and her fingers were all wrinkled up. But she didn't care, she didn't care about anything at the moment, she knew she was too far from shore, and she would most likely be dead soon.

But just when she was out of luck, she suddenly felt something hard fall on her back followed by a call.

"Oy!" she heard a feminine voice call "Grab on!"

Forcing herself to get up, she turned and spotted a pirate ship next to her, and a rope with a loop had been thrown down to her from the ship. Knowing that this was her only chance of a rescue, she grabbed onto the rope as the crew began to pull her towards the ship and up. And after helping her up and onto the ship, Marie collapsed on the deck and began to breath heavily in relief.

"Merci beaucoup" she breathed "Where am I?"

"Welcome aboard the Lady Luck matey" the captain smiled "I'm Jane Hook, captain of the ship."

"Well thank you again captain" Marie sighed in relief as she was helped up.

"So what happened to ye?" Jane asked "Abandoned ship?"

"More like exploded ship, I was the only survivor."

"How did it happened? Ambush?"

"Accident actually, which was caused by a little ambush."

"I see. Well, where do ye live? We'll take ye back."

"Uh no-" Marie suddenly said "That wont be necessary, I don't want to go back."

"What?" Jane questioned confused "How come?"

Not knowing if she should tell them about the musketeers, Marie quickly thought of an excuse.

"I have enemies in my town" she provided "And I'm trying to hide from them."

"Oh. Well is there a place ye would like to be dropped off?"

"Actually-" Marie said when she got an idea "Can I, join your crew?"

"What?" Jane's eyes widen.

"Well if I'm going to be hiding from my enemies, I might as well disguise myself as a pirate."

"What makes ye think I'll let ye join?" Jane questioned with doubt.

"Because Ms. Hook" Marie smirked "I'm the daughter of a famous spy, and back in France everyone thought I was just like her, and they weren't wrong. I can be your personal spy, plus I'm handy with a sword and a gun. And never once have I been caught by my enemies, I'm just too slick for them."

Jane held her hook under her chin as she thought about it, still not knowing if she should trust the newcomer.

"What happened to your hand?" Marie suddenly asked.


"Like your father I suppose, James Hook, am I right?"


"Well-" Marie smiled "I've always admired your father, he was very interesting. He visited France when I was just a little girl, I watched him kill one of his crews with his own hook. Now some might of found that disturbing, but I found it quite entertaining."

"Yer mother must of raises ye well" Jane commented with a hint of sarcasm.

"Well she's dead now because of my enemies" Marie frowned "And I'm not gonna let that happen to me. So, what do you say Ms. Hook, will you let me join?"

"Well that depends, are ye afraid of the water if I make ye walk thee plank for disobeying me?"

"I don't have to answer that, because I wont disobey you" Marie smirked.

"I like her already" a crew member whispered to Jane in a grin.

Jane did some more thinking while examining Marie, and after a moment, she finally came to a conclusion.

"Very well-" she said "I'll see how ye do."

"Merci" Marie thanked "And uh, can I get a knife and some alcohol? If I'm going to be disguised as a pirate, I might as well change my hair."

Jane turned to some of her crew and motioned them to get what Marie wanted.

"What's yer name by the way?" she asked her.

Not wanting to tell he real name for fear it may expose her, Marie decided to tell her a fake name.

"I'm Becky-" she declared "Just Becky."

"Well Becky-" Jane smiled as she held out her one good hand "Welcome aboard the Lady Luck."

Marie smiled back as she shook the pirate's hand, hoping that her cover will be kept a secret and that she'll never see the musketeers again.

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