Ch.79 Real celebration

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Anybody watch the premier of season 7 of Once Upon a Time? I did, and I can't wait for more :)

Still standing in the same spots, everyone couldn't take their eyes off of Piper who was still gripping the dagger with a look of relief on his face.

"Piper-" Elena suddenly spoke up "Where did you get that dagger?"

"Oh" he replied while looking at the weapon "Your friend allowed me to use it because I knew it was the only weapon that can kill my clone. I'm sorry I didn't ask you, but you guys were already gone and it was an emergency so... you know."

He then handed the dagger to her as she took it.

"So Pan's really gone?" she questioned.

"Yep, but now I gotta be careful of what I drink."

He then turned to his parents who stood there with relieved smiles that their son was okay. And Piper too gave a smile as he embraced his parents in a hug. Everyone watched the blissful embrace of the Pan family, now that Piper's clone was out of the way, they can finally live in peace.

After that, everyone decided to head to the 'Party Fever' club for a real celebration of defeating Pan.

"So Piper" Aidan said as they sat at the counter "How does it feel to finally get rid of Pan?"

"Amazing" Piper smiled "And this time I know he wont come back, well that is if I don't consume any Night Roots."

"Yeah about that-" Mira spoke up "I have something for you to make sure that never happens again."

She held out her hand as a mini unicorn's horn appeared in her palm.

"Is that a unicorn's horn?" he questioned surprised.

"A baby one to be exact, and just like in legends, unicorn horns can detect poison in drinks, even a baby one. Which is why we avoid killing an adult unicorn for it's horn cause baby unicorns shed their baby horns and grow bigger ones, just like loosing a baby tooth. So-" she handed the horn to him "Whenever you feel paranoid that there's poison in your drink, use this."

He smirked as he accepted the horn "Thanks."

At a nearby table, Chris walked over to the table Marissa was at as he handed her one of the drinks he had in his hands.

"Hey look-" he began to say as he sat down "About what happened last night, I don't know if you want to talk about it or not-".

"We don't have to" she cut in "I mean it was pretty awkward."

"Aye" he agreed in a sigh when he then gave a small smirk "But I never knew pirates were good kissers."

She gave a small giggle while rolling her eyes.

"But uh, moving that to the side-" he continued "What are we gonna do about Blackbeard's ship?"

"Oh I already figured it out, I'm going to let the musketeers have it."

"Really?" he said surprised.

"It may come in handy for them, plus they can change the name to whatever they want."

"Do they even know how to sail?"

"If not, we'll teach them. And that way we can all go on adventures together."

"Well that is what we do best" he smiled as they both took sips of their drinks.

Back at the counter, as Jane was snacking on her nachos, she turned and spotted Piper alone at the counter munching on some fries. Seeing that no one was around him, she decided to talk to him as she got up and moved to the seat next to him.

"Are you going to be okay when we go back to Neverland and everyone here grows up?"

He sighed "I don't know. I guess I'll just have to deal with it and move on."

She could see the sadness in his eyes as she too sighed.

"But hey-" he added "At least everyone here is safe from Pan now, and as long as they're safe and happy, then I'm happy. And besides, everyone has to grow up someday, but that's not the case in our book."

"Ye sure?"

"I am. But that doesn't mean I'm leaving this town forever. I'll will come back here whenever I can, and by the time everyone grows up, I can babysit their kids."

She gave a small laugh "Well ye gotta be good with kids to do that."

"And as long as everyone trusts me" he added with a smirk.

"So what are ye going to do when we get back to Neverland?"

"Fly around, hang with the mermaids, although it's not fun to bother you now as of before."

"Well things change" she giggled when a thought came to her "Hey uh, about what I said to you in Echo Cave, can ye not tell anyone I said that?"

"Why? You embarrassed by it?"

"A little" she confessed.

"Jane you don't have to be embarrassed, I'm glad you told me those things. That goes to show how much you've changed" he then gave a smirk "And how much you care about me."

She rolled her eyes while turning away to avoid showing him her blushing face.

"Oh come on" he urged with a chuckle "Admit it, you like me."

"I never said anything about liking you."

"Then how come you're blushing?" he smirked as she froze while her cheeks continued to get pink.

Piper then noticed that she seemed really nervous as she clasped her hands together.

"Uh, Jane" he said "Is it true?"

She sighed "Ye became me first friend, and ye understood me. No one has ever been like that to me, and I really appreciate that."

"Well, you do deserve someone who understands you."

They both gave small smiles while gazing into each others eyes, and at the same time they felt a warm fuzzy feeling in their stomachs. And before Piper could say anything, Jane suddenly leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips while using her one hand to hold onto his face. Piper had already forgotten what he was going to say, but he shrugged it off as he kissed her back.

"Whoa" they suddenly heard someone say as they pulled away and saw the Charming's staring at them with surprised looks.

"Well I didn't see that coming" Aidan chuckled as Jane turned away and began gulping down her drink to hide her embarrassment.

"She'll be fine" Piper assured them as they took off and he turned to her "They're gone."

"Oh jeez" she breathed with embarrassment as he gave a chuckle while patting her shoulder.

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