Ch.28 Venom

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(Flashback) After a while of exploring Neverland, Piper and Abby went back to the Lost Boys campsite where she was ready to go back to England.

"I had a wonderful time" she told Piper with a smile.

"Will you be back again?" he asked.

"I hope so."

"You ready to go Abby?" Peter suddenly asked.

Abby gave a nod as she turned back to Piper and gently touched his arm.

"Goodbye" she parted with a small smile that made his heart skip.

"Bye" he smiled as she went to Peter and headed off.

"Well she was nice" Twin 1 commented.

"I think Piper likes her" Tootles grinned.

"Oo..." the boys chorused with sneaky grins.

"Cut it out guys" Piper groaned.

"That means it's true" Slightly whispered to the boys with a smirk.

"Shut up" Piper ordered as he flew off.

"He totally likes her" Tootles chuckled.

Flying across the Neverwoods, Piper landed on a thick tree branch as he leaned his back against the trunk and gazed upon the shore. He didn't see his father flying off with Abby, he probably missed it already, but he didn't mind, he knew he was going to see Abby again. But as he was lost in his thoughts, Tinkerbell flew up to him.

"Did you have a fun time with Abby?" she asked in her fairy language.

"I did" he replied with a smile "She's really interesting."

"You like her don't you?" the fairy grinned.

"Oh boy" he groaned "Why does everyone assume I like her?"

"Because you do."

Piper gave a frown.

"Look-" he said "I like her, but the way everyone's thinking, we're just friends."

"If you say so" Tink doubted with a smirk as he rolled his eyes.

As everyone continued through the Neverwoods, Jane moved some large plant leaves out of the way to let everyone through when she suddenly stopped Aidan who was at the back of the group and was shining from his sweat.

"What?" he questioned as everyone hiked ahead of them.

"When are you gonna tell them?" she demanded.

"Tell then what?"

"I saw it happen mate, and I know the signs."

She pointed to his side "Let me see it."

Realizing that he was caught, Aidan gave a sigh as he made sure the group wasn't looking as he lifted up his shirt and showed her the wound, and the venom was sinking deeper into his veins.

"Blood hell" Jane gasped in a whispered as he put down his shirt.

"Do you know how long?" he asked as he tried to his his nervousness.

"Days" she replied with a sigh "Weeks at most. And if you're unluckily it's hours."

"Jeez" he breathed worriedly.

"Why didn't ye say anything?" she demanded.

"I didn't think it was that bad" he confessed.

"Are you blimey kidding me?" she gasped "It doesn't matter how big or small the cut it, Dreamshade is always venomous."

Aidan just stood there and hesitated, not knowing what to say.

"I don't have a cure at the moment-" she said "But once I do, you're gonna have to tell everyone."


"Because they deserve to know, if we can't get a cure and you die, everyone's gonna feel betrayed that you didn't tell them."

"Only if we don't find a cure" he put in as he started to go after the group, only to feel a sharp pain from his wound as he clutched it.

"You guys coming or what?" Elena called to them.

"In a minute" Jane replied as she pulled Aidan to the side "Let me see the wound."

He left up his shirt to expose the wound as she pulled out her rum canteen, opened it, and dumped the drink onto his wound as he winched in pain.

"What is that?" he demanded.


"Rum?" he dismayed.

"It should numb the pain" she explained as she put her canteen away.

"You drink rum?" he said surprised.

"I'm a pirate, it's our main drink."

Aidan ignored that the pain was numbing as he was astonished by what Jane told him.

"How old are you?" he asked.

"Why do ye care?" she questioned a bit annoyed.

"Because in our land, it's illegal to drink when you're under 21."

"Well in this haven, nobody gives a damn. Now come on, the quicker we find the cure, the quicker you have a chance at surviving."

As they went back to following the others, Aidan put his hand on his wound, hoping that they'll be able to find cure before the venom takes his life.


On another side of the island, Pan flew over and landed in a campsite made by Blackbeard's crew who were doing what pirates do, eat, drink, and prepare for fights.

"How's our guest?" Pan inquired Blackbeard.

"See for yourself" Blackbeard replied as they went to a handmade cage that contained Piper who was locked in.

"Well-" Pan grinned as he bent down near the cage "How's my other haft doing?"

Piper ignored him with stern frown.

"I had a little run in with your friends today-" Pan told "The ones that are here to look for their Wonderland friends, they're a strong bunch, especially with Jane guiding their way."

Piper kept his mouth shut while avoiding eye contact.

"Still not talking huh?" Pan questioned as he stood up "Very well, in that case, I think I'm gonna go pay your Wonderland friends and your parents a visit."

"Stay away from them" Piper suddenly ordered.

"I knew that would get you talking" Pan grinned "Just think, your parents and friends are on this island, you haven't seen them in years, and there's no way you can."

"I may not see them again-" Piper scowled "But I swear if you harm them-".

"You'll what? You can't kill me remember?"

"I know, but others can."

"Even so, no one can go against me, killing me is like finding a needle in a haystack, almost impossible."

"But that doesn't mean they'll give up" Piper replied sternly "I may not have known my Wonderland friends and the others that long, but I do know that they are always determined to get what's been taken from them. Even if I never talked to them back in Storybrooke, I know them, and they are gonna put an end to your sinister plan, no matter what it takes."

Pan gave a deep gruff breath as he turned to the pirates.

"Put him in the Echo Caves" he ordered "The fun is about to begin."

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