Ch.55 Started plan

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(Flashback) In the busy town of Paris France, in front of a weapons store, the 3 children of the 3 Musketeers were enjoying a practice fight with each other. With their swords clinking against each others and their feet scattering across the pavement, the friends were having a good time, that is until Porter suddenly tripped back as his sword went straight through the window creating a hole as they gasped. And just as he took his sword out, Blade stepped out from the shop and faced them while pointing to the hole.

"Seriously?" he said with frustration "Again?"

"Sorry" Porter apologized with guilt.

"Why do you guys always have to practice yours fights in front of my shop?"

"Because we keep waiting for you to join us" Arial explained "It's like you barley have time for us anymore."

"I'm sorry" he sighed "It's just whenever my father's out of town I have to be in charge of the shop, you guys know I'm only available whenever it's-".

But before he could continued, he suddenly spotted a beautiful young girl his age with long silky blonde hair and lovely sky blue eyes walking by with an older man escorting her as Blade's heart began to flutter.

"Uh, hi Connie" he waved with a bashful smile.

"Hi Emerson" she smiled and waved back as she and the man walked pass them.

The musketeers turned and saw that Emerson watched her go with a dreamy look on his face.

"Hey" Arial snapped her fingers in front of his face which caught his attention "How long are you gonna be crushing on Connie? I mean she keeps calling you by your real name even though you hate it."

"I don't mind if she calls me that" he smirked.

Arial groaned as she rolled her eyes.

"Look, I'll join you guys in a bit, let me just finish this last sword real quick."

As he went back inside, Antony and Porter turned to Arial and stared at her.

"What?" she demanded.

"When are you going to tell him?" Antony asked.

"Tell him what?"

"Come on Arial-" Porter urged "It's obvious, Blade may of been crushing on Connie for a couple of years now, but you've been in love with him since we were kids, and you still haven't told him, even when you had the chance."

She sighed "Well it's too late now, he's already falling for Connie, if I tell him now I know he'll reject me."

"You don't know that" Antony put in "Maybe he'll change his mind."

"And if he doesn't, it could ruin our friendship."

"Well you can't keep it in forever" Porter advised "Or else you'll regret it for the rest of your life."

"I don't know" she sighed nervously "I just need to figure this out."

"Well you might wanna hurry up with that, because if he ends up with Connie, there may be no turning back."

When they got back to the Lost Boys campsite, Piper introduced everyone to the new companions as they began to discuss their plan of action.

"So this is what we're going to use to trap Pan?" Marissa questioned while examining Pandora's Box.

"Yep" Elena replied "Now all we need to do is find a way how without getting caught."

"And what does that leave for Blackbeard?"

"Well Blackbeard doesn't really want anything with us, although since he's helping Pan, there may be a deal between them. But we have to focus on Pan first, and then we'll deal with Blackbeard."

"And don't forget-" Olivia added "We also have to get Blue Pixie Dust."

"Blue Pixie Dust?" Piper said surprised "What for?"

"To break the curse back in Storybrooke, any chance you can get it for us? Or perhaps Tinkerbell could?"

"Well uh-" he replied a bit nervously "I'll see what I can do."


"So what are we gonna do about Pan?" Amanda asked "We still haven't gotten a frickin plan yet? I'm getting tired of staying on this island for too long."

"I'm sorry you guys got dragged into this" Piper sighed sadly "I feel like this is all my fault."

"It's not your fault Piper" Brenden assured "It's your fear doing this. Once again, Pan is using fear to weaken you, and he'll win if you let that keep happening."

"I know" Piper sighed again "He already tried with the whole forcing me into telling you guys my big secret and all, and it worked."

"Well, let's just set that aside for now, are main goal is to stop Pan and get off this island, so I suggest we keep our focus on that."

"And Piper-" Wendy put in "If you don't want to talk about it, we understand. We won't force you anymore."

Even though he was feeling guilty for not wanting to talk to his parents about what happened, Piper looked down with a sad look, not feeling the mood to face them.

"Hey how about this?" Terrence suddenly spoke up "Why don't we set a trap for Pan? That way if he gets caught, it'll be easier to trap him in the box."

"That sounds like a good idea" Elena agreed "But I recommend we knock him out too, so that way he wont use any of his magic on us."

"Poppy dust anyone?" Mira smiled as she held out her hand as a bag of poppy dust appeared.

"Excellent" Elena smiled.

But before she could take the bag, the bag suddenly disappeared.

"What the hell?" Mira gasped.

"Nice try you guys" everyone turned to see Pan as he held up the poppy dust bag.

"You guys aren't as smart as I thought" he smirked "Revealing your plan when you clearly know I could be listening, I thought you all were better than that."

"You must be Pan" Chris concluded.

"The one and only" Piper frowned.

"Wow" Blade breathed amused "He really does look like you, but a bit creepier."

"Well I am Piper's fear after all" Pan smirked.

"Well now that you've taken our dust" Elena frowned "Be gone."

"Oh I'm not here for the dust, I'm here to tell you all that you're time is up."

At that point everyone's eyes widen when they realized what he meant as they watched him open the bag.

"No!" Elena screamed.

But Pan had already thrown the dust at them, as the dust got into their faces, they all started to get sleepy as they collapsed on the ground and passed out. With everyone out, Pan was finally able to get his plan started.

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