Ch.75 Ghost revenge

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After getting the emergency call, Chris and Marissa along with the musketeers made their way to the docks where they spotted Blackbeard's ship next to Jane's ship. And Blackbeard's crew were standing in front of the ship as the group peered from behind a shack.

"Well Elena wasn't kidding" Chris stated with his eyes widen "They really are here."

"So what's the plan?" Blade questioned "We ambush them?"

"I don't think so" Antony replied "I think we should find a way for them to leave Storybrooke."

"Well if we do that that means they're going to continue their pirate life" Arial put in "We have to get rid of them for good."

"You want me to go purchase some explosives?" Porter suggested.

"Um... maybe."

"Well don't forget-" Antony added "They still have the Crown Jewel, and we still promised the queen we'd return it to her."

"Well does anyone have a better idea then?"

"As a matter of fact-" Marissa suddenly smirked "I do."

And with that she pulled one of the rings off her fingers and took out a diamond from the ring that looked almost identical to the Never Diamond.

"They want thee diamond so bad-" she smirked "Then we'll just give it to them."

"You think they're going to fall for that?" Chris questioned with an unsure look.

"It's worth a shot, and if they do, then I'll make them trade for the Crown Jewel."

"And what if it doesn't work?"

"Then we'll ambush them and steal their doubloons."

"Works for me" Arial shrugged.

Hoping it would work, they all walked out from their hiding spot and heading to the pirates,

"Oy!" Marissa called which caught their attention "Ye buccaneers!"

At that point the pirates gave sneaky looks as they spread out in front of the ship.

"What do ye want?" one of them snarled.

"To make a trade-" Marissa replied with confidence "We heard ye were here for thee Never Diamond."

"Ye got it?" another one questioned in a slight growl.

"For a trade" she frowned while holding up the diamond "Ye give us the Crown Jewel, we'll give ye thee diamond."

"Ye think ye can make a trade with us girly?" a pirate chuckled as she clenched her first and pounded his groin with all her might as he clutched it and collapsed in pain.

"Don't ever call me girly" she growled as she turned to the pirates "So do we have a deal or not?"

The pirates turned to each other while thinking about it as the group hoped they didn't notice their plan. And after a moment of thinking, the first pirate pulled out the Crown Jewel and held it in front of him.

"Ye want this?" he smirked when it then changed into a frown "Then bring us thee real diamond."

At that point their stomachs dropped.

"I was afraid of that" Blade sighed.

"Did ye all really think we were that stupid?" the pirate scowled "We know all about diamonds and gems, and that's not thee Never Diamond. So if ye want the Crown Jewel back, then give us thee real diamond."

At that point Arial saw the opportunity to snatch the ring away, but when she tried, the pirate pulled it away.

"Nice try-" he smirked "But thee only one who can get their hands on this is me."

"Actually-" a voice suddenly spoke "No one is getting their hands on that."

Everyone turned and couldn't believe their eyes when they saw a ghost pirate ship in the water next to the other ships. But this ghost ship didn't look like the one Marissa saw on her voyage with Chris, it was bigger, more haunting, and had a name that sent chills down everyone's spine.

"Is that what I think it is?" Blade's eyes widen.

"It's-" Marissa breathed in shock "The Flying Dutchman."

At that point the wooden plank from the ghost ship was placed down on the dock as the ghost girl Vandala Doubloon walked down as the pirates stepped back in fear.

"Vandala?" Marissa gasped.

"You know her?" Arial questioned astonished.

"We met her on her voyage to Treasure Island" Chris explained as he turned to Vandala "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for this" she replied as the Crown Jewel appeared in her hand as the pirate who had it jumped in shock when he saw it was no longer in his possession "This ring doesn't belong to any of ye, it belongs to me family."

"What?" they gasped.

"This was me mother's engagement ring, me father had it crafted just for her, ye can even see his initials on the ring."

She held the ring towards them as they all looked closely, and there under the ring were the initials H.D engraved into it.

"H.D?" Marissa said when her eyes widen with realization "Is yer father Captain Hendrick van der Decken?"

"Thee one and only captain of the Flying Dutchman" Vandala smiled as they all gasped again "My real name is Vanda Decken. When me father and his crew disappeared at sea, me mother and I boarded the Salty Spectre, thee very same ship I own today. But during our search we were ambushed by enemy pirates and they stole this ring. They then set thee ship on fire, me mother and I along with most of the crew died that day."

"Oh my God" Arial breathed in shock.

"But it's not all bad, at least I got to see me father again. And I've made some wonderful mateys like these two."

She pointed to the ghost ship as two familiar ghost faces waved.

"Hello!" the mermaid ghost waved with a smile.

"Sirena?!" the musketeers gasped with smiles.

"Dayna?!" Chris and Marissa gasped at the other ghost girl.

"Never thought ye see me again did ye?" Dayna smiled.

"Well girls-" Vandala smirked while motioning the pirates "I feel like we can use some extra help on board, what do ye say?"

At that point they gave each other sneaky grins as Dayna turned around and shouted.

"They're all yours!"

All of a sudden the ghost and skeleton pirate crew appeared in view as Blackbeard's crew started to step back in fear. And before they could even run, the whole crew ran down from the ship and went after them. Everyone watched in shock as the ghost crew managed to get a hold of the pirates and drag the panicking men on board the Flying Dutchman as they vanished into thin air.

Once Upon a Time: Ever After High (Book 10)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz