Ch.12 Abducted

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After everyone left the apartment, they all headed to the tattoo shop where they talked to the owner as Jane showed him Piper's photo.

"Yeah he works here" he answered "He's a quiet fellow, also a bit mysterious, he tends to keep to himself a lot. But he's a good employee."

"Is he here by any chance?" Jane asked.

"He was just here, but he left for his break."

"Do you know where he went?"

"No, but he's got an hour before he comes back."

"Do you mind if we can wait here for him?" Brenden asked.

"Suit yourself."

They all sat on the chairs.

"I never been in a tattoo shop before" Lauren confessed "I feel so edgy."

"Well we're not here to get tattoos" Brenden said "We're waiting."

"Hey can ye all wait here?" Jane suddenly asked "I'm gonna go git something to eat from thee diner."

"Oh you like the diner huh?" Lauren smiled "It's my dad's."

"Well I'll tell him that he has fine pies" she smiled as she headed out.

But as she did, she didn't notice the group of pirates watching her leave from behind a building.

"She's gone" the leader said as he turned to the shop "Let's do this."

And with that they headed to the tattoo shop.

(Flashback) After going to the river, everyone came running back to the campsite where they all panted for air.

"Okay-" Maddie panted "Going to the river was a bad idea. Not only was the Croc there and he almost killed us, but so were the pirates who also tried to kill us."

"Although I gotta admit-" Kitty put in "That was pretty exciting."

"Kitty we almost got killed" Bunny said.

"I know, that was exciting, we escaped death, and not just once, but twice in the same time!"

"Yeah those were Hook's crew" Piper put in "And they're more vicious than Jane's crew."

"I can see that" Lizzie sighed.

"Okay I think we had enough of our little adventures, my parents are gonna be here soon. So you guys sit back and relax."

As everyone did so, Piper made sure none of them were looking as he started to head off.

"Piper" Alistair suddenly stopped him before he could go into the woods "Where you going?"

"Oh uh-" he said while hiding his nervousness "I just uh, need to go get something, I'll be back in a bit."

"Whoa hold on" Alistair's eyes widen as he grabbed onto his arm and held it up to see faint bruises and red marks on his upper arm "Where did you get these bruises and marks? I don't remember seeing these on you earlier."

"It's nothing" Piper assured as he pulled his arm away, forgetting what the pirate had done to him.

"Oh really?" Alistair doubted "You even got some on your other arm, what happened?"

"I'm fine, really. My shadow and I kinda got out of control and it accidentally hurt me."

"Your shadow did that?" Alistair doubted again.

"Yes, and once again I'm fine, I'll be back soon."

As he flew off, Alistair began to wonder what other secrets Piper was hiding, and if he should be concerned.

At the diner, as Jane took a sip of her tea, Elena and Olivia entered and spotted her as they went up to her.

"Uh, hi" Elena said to her "Are you Jane Hook?"

"Aye" Jane replied.

"I'm Elena Jensen, or better known as Raven Queen, I don't know if you know me or not."

"Of course I do."

"Okay great" Elena said as she turned to Olivia "And this is Olivia Morgan, or Apple White whatever you wanna call her. And uh, we were wondering if we can talk to you about something."

"Go ahead."

"Okay" Elena said as she sat next to her at the counter "Since you're from Neverland, can you tell us about Blue Pixie Dust?"

"Why do ye wanna know about Blue Pixie Dust?"

"Well I don't know if you know about the Evil Queen's curse on Eve After High-".

"Oh right that, what about it?"

"Well in order to fully break the curse, we need some items, and one of them happens to be Blue Pixie Dust."

"Is that so? Well then, if you must know, Blue Pixie Dust is the rarest and most powerful fairy dust of all, it can do multiple things. It can heal any kind of pain, it can make someone fly longer, it's mainly used to multiply pixie dust, and it can heal any kind of dark magic."

"Looks like we know why we need the dust" Olivia concluded.

"So any chance you can get some for us?" Elena asked Jane.

"I wish I could" Jane sighed "But Blue Pixie Dust doesn't grow on trees like regular pixie dust, it's made."


"I don't know, I was never told. I can try to talk to the Neverland fairies, but I don't think they'll allow me to take some out of Neverland, they're very protective of their dust. Sorry."

"Oh" Elena said sadly.

"Once again I'll try to talk to them."


"And uh, since I'm here, I might as well ask, do you know anything about Wonder magic?"

"Wonder magic?" Elena said a bit confused "Why?"

"A group of buccaneers came aboard me ship saying that they were looking for Wonder magic. I didn't know what that was and I didn't care before so I allowed them to come."

"Wonder magic is what every Wonderlandian has inside of them, it's what makes them special. And if those pirates are looking for Wonder magic, then that means-".

At that point she realized it as she gasped.

Meanwhile, after snatching the Wonderlandians, the pirates took their prisoners who had their wrists bound towards the docks.

"Relax" the leader said to them while holding onto Brenden "We're not gonna hurt any of you."

"That's what they all say" Brenden growled as he struggled against his grip.

"What do you dirtbags want with us?!" Ilene demanded.

"It's not us you should worry about" the one who held her said.

After realizing the truth, Elena, Olivia, and Jane quickly ran to the docks where they saw the pirates and the Wonderlandians standing at the edge. The leader then took out a magic blue bean and tossed it into the water as a portal began to open.

"No!" Elena screamed.

But it was too late, the pirates had jumped into the portal, taking the Wonderlandians with them.

Once Upon a Time: Ever After High (Book 10)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora