Ch.44 Ghost pirate

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(Flashback) By the time it was the middle of the night, Marissa couldn't sleep as she went out onto the dock where the wind was still brushing against the sails as she made her way to an apple barrel. Thinking that a little snack would help her sleep, she reached into the barrel and pulled out a fresh gala apple. But before she could take a bite, she spotted something in the horizon of the water that caught her eye. Not knowing that it was, she got closer to get a better look, but the image was still blurry, and before she could examine it some more, it disappeared.

Thinking that her mind was playing tricks on her, she shrugged it off and she bit into her apple. But just as she turned around, she nearly choked on her apple when she saw that another pirate ship had mysteriously appeared right next to her ship. But this didn't seem like an ordinary ship, it had a greenish tone, and it appeared to be ghost like. Panicking, Marissa dropped her apple and she quickly ran to the door of the storage room and ran inside and shut the door behind with her heart pounding in fear.

"What's wrong with you?" Chris suddenly asked.

"You're still awake?" she questioned surprised.

"Can't sleep remember? Now what's wrong with you? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I think I did" she panted with fright.

"What are you talking about?"

"I think I just saw a ghost ship" she breathed heavily as she pointed behind her "See for yourself."

"Well I would but-" he held up his chains.

She gave a groan as she pulled out a key and unlocked his chains.

"Okay let's see here" he said as she got up and went to the door and opened it and peeked out "Uh, I don't see anything."

"What?!" she gasped as she pushed pass him and onto the deck.

And just like he said, there was no ghost ship.

"What the hell?" she gasped "It was right here."

"You know when you're at sea a lot, sometimes you tend to hallucinate."

"I could of sworn I wasn't hallucinating."

"Are ye two looking for me?" a voice suddenly said which startled them as they turned and spotted what appeared to be a pirate ghost girl sitting on a barrel.

Both of them stood there paralyzed with shock and fear that the only thing that was moving were their hearts that were beating heavily.

"Relax" the ghost smirked "I'm not gonna hurt ye two."

"What do ye want?" Marissa demanded.

"Well I should probably introduce myself."

The ghost then bowed as she said her name.

"Vandala Doubloons" she greeted with a smile.

"Well, Vandala" Marissa said, a but confused by her name "What are ye doing here?"

"I heard ye two were heading to Treasure Island."


"Well I'm here to warn ye two, and yer crew. Thee island has changed over the years, mainly for thee worse."

"What do you mean?" Chris questioned.

"Ever since yer father left the island, many of tried to come to thee island. And those who made it, they're never seen from again."

At that point their hearts dropped.

"What happened?" Marissa asked as she tried to stay calm.

"No one knows" Vandala replied "Some say they were eaten by cannibals, others say they were killed by booby traps, some of them even say that thee island is cursed so that no one can leave."

"But, my father left" Chris put in.

"They say that the curse happened after yer father left, but no one knows for sure."

"Why are ye telling us this?" Marissa asked "Were ye one of the victims?"

"No, I'm just trying to prevent more."

"Well look-" Chris said "I'm just trying to get something from the island, and it's really important."

"Well good luck with that, there's nothing I can do to help, so I wish ye both the best of luck."

And with that she vanished into thin air, only to be seen again on her ghost ship that floated away.

"Okay I've seen it-" Marissa declared "And now I believe it."

As the day went by, everyone was still at the Lost Boys campsite, and they all couldn't stop thinking about what secrets Piper was hiding as they stared at him as he put more wood into the fire.

"Would you guys stop looking at me?" he demanded "I already said that I didn't want to talk about what Pan said, can we just move on from that?"

"I don't know Piper-" Brenden replied with his arms crossed "Pan has us curious now."

"Well it's not a big deal okay?"

"Doesn't sound like a big deal to me" Amanda opinionated.

"Well for the last time, I don't wanna talk about it okay?"

And with that he stormed off into the woods.

"What do we do about him?" Lauren asked with a worried look.

"I guess nothing for now" Elena suggested "We should just focus on Pan."

As everyone went their separate ways, Ilene spotted Aidan going behind a shack, wondering what he was doing, she followed him where she peeked behind the shack and spotted him standing on a boulder holding his phone to the sky.

"You wont get any bars here" she smirked which startled him as he slipped off the boulder.

She gave a small giggle "Sorry about that."

"It's fine" he assured with a small smile "Although now I'm disappointed that I'll never have bars here."

"Well get used to it."

He rolled his eyes as he put his phone in his pocket.

"So-" Ilene started to say as she walked towards him "I heard you patched things up with your siblings."

"Yeah, I'm glad I did."

"And I'm glad Jane managed to save your ass, if you died, I didn't know what I would do with my life."

"Well-" he shrugged with a bit of guilt "I think Terrence and Darling would of suffered more."

"So would I."

Knowing that she still had feelings for him, Aidan didn't know what to say as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well uh-" he started to say "I guess we uh, go back out there before everyone thinks we're gone."

"Yeah" she agreed a bit awkwardly.

As he walked ahead of her, Ilene gave a sad sigh, wondering when she'll ever get back with him.

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