Ch.18 Taken

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Now at the Natives campsite, the Wonderlandians along with Tiger-Lily sat around the fire as the Native princess explained to them about Piper's clone.

"Piper has an evil clone?" Amanda gasped.

"Wait why the hell did he even consume Night Root?" Ilene asked.

"Someone must of placed the Night Root contents into his drink and he accidentally consumed it" Tiger-Lily explained.

"Who would wanna do that?" Christina asked a bit surprised.

"I don't know, but I feel like it was that pirate who abducted him before for lying about the map."

"Wait what?" Brenden said surprised "What do you mean he lied about the map?"

"Oh that's right" Tiger-Lily said sadly "He wasn't suppose to tell you guys."

"Tell us what?" Ilene demanded.

Tiger-Lily gave a sigh as she explained.

"Remember the treasure map that Piper showed you all? The one that he found in the tree? Well turns out that map belonged to the pirate, and the pirate threatened him that he didn't return the map to him, he would do something bad to Peter and Wendy."

"Oh damn" Amanda gasped.

"Anyway-" Tiger-Lily continued with a sigh "Piper lied to the pirate saying that he lost the map, but really he's been hiding it, and somehow the pirate found out and because of that his crew abducted him."

Her eyes then began to water.

"I'm still mad that he didn't tell anyone" she sniffed "But then he never did so he could protect us, but I still wished he did."

"Hey" Brenden said "He's alive."

"What?" she gasped.

"Well we haven't seen him but, we know he's alive, but he's back in our world and we don't know if he's coming back."

"Oh" she sighed in relief "At least he's alive. Wait a minute, I gotta tell Peter and Wendy! And the Lost Boys!"

"Are Peter and Wendy here?" Lauren asked.

"Yes, you wanna see them?"

"Hell yeah we do" Ilene replied with interest.

"Okay, but maybe tomorrow, it's too late and dangerous at this time."

"Hey uh, about Piper's clone-" Christina put in "You think he has anything to do with our abduction?"

Tiger-Lily gave a surprised look.

"Oh wow" she said amused "I never thought of that."

"You really think so?" Lauren asked Christina.

"It's just a thought" she replied.

"But if it's true-" Ilene put in "What would he want with us?"

Everyone wondered the same thing.

"I guess we'll have to find that out on our own" Brenden suggested.

(Flashback) The next day, Piper went to an area near Mermaid Lagoon where the pirate told him to go. He was getting nervous by the minute as he clutched the map in his hand, hoping that the pirate was true to his words that he wouldn't harm his parents if he gave back the map.

"Piper?" he suddenly heard a voice behind him as he turned around and saw Slightly.

"Slightly what are you doing here?" Piper demanded as he tried to stay calm, hoping Slightly wouldn't get suspicious.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing" Slightly replied "You were suppose to meet up with us at the Native's camp for the celebration remember?"

"That was today?" Piper's eyes widen.

"You forgot?" Slightly said surprised.

"Oh man" Piper sighed with disappointment "Look, can you tell them that I'm gonna be a little late? I'm dealing with something really serious right now and I don't have time for anything."

"Are you okay?" Slightly asked with a concerned look "Cause you haven't been yourself ever since the Wonderlandians showed up."

"I'm fine" Piper assured "I just gotta do one thing and I'll join you guys, but in the meantime-".

But before he could continue, the pirate suddenly showed up.

"Well-" he grinned "I didn't think ye would show up."

Piper stood there surprised as he turned to Slightly.

"Slightly, go now" he ordered.

"What's going on?" Slightly demanded.

"How are ye feeling Pan?" the pirate asked Piper with a sarcastic smile "Did the Night Root bring out the best of yer fears?"

"Wait-" Piper's eyes widen "You put Night Root into my drink?!"

"Night Root?!" Slightly gasped.

"Oh no that wasn't me" the pirate replied "I had someone else do it."

"Wait hold on-" Slightly spoke up as he turned to Piper "Since you consumed Night Root, does that mean you have an evil clone now?!"

"He didn't tell you?" the pirate questioned with a small grin.

"Why didn't you tell us?!" Slightly demanded Piper "And what the hell is going on right now?!"

"I-" Piper hesitated as he tried to think of what to say "I-".

"That's enough" the pirate growled as he snatched the map from him "Ye lied to me Pan, ye said ye lost the map, but no, ye had it hidden all along."

Piper gave a small gasp, wondering how the pirate found out.

"Can someone explain to me what is going on?!" Slightly demanded.

"Yer matey here lied to me about me map" the pirate explained with a frown "And now, he has to suffer the consequences."

At that point the boys watched as more pirates appeared and surrounded them as their hearts pounded with fear.

"Slightly-" Piper whispered while holding his bravery "Run."

"What?" Slightly gasped.

"This my problem, and I don't want you a part of it, run."

"No" Slightly declared "I'm not gonna leave you here."

"I'd listen to him Slightly" the pirate grinned "Unless you wanna stay behind and die."

"No you listen here jackass" Slightly growled "You are not gonna hurt my friend, and if you are, then you're gonna have to deal with me!"

At that point the pirate turned to one of his crew and motioned him as his crew went up to Slightly and wrapped his arm around him as he used his other arm to held a knife to his throat.

"No!" Piper screamed as he turned to the pirate "Look, I'm the one you want, so do whatever you want with me, just leave my friend alone, he has nothing to do with this."

The pirate gave a smile that sent chills down Piper's spine.

"Very well" he grinned as he turned to his crew "Take him."

"No" Slightly gasped as the pirates grabbed onto Piper and began to take off with him.

"No!" he screamed as he pulled out his knife and turned around to stab the pirate in his stomach as the pirate collapsed.

He tried to run after them, but the pirates were already gone, and they've taken Piper.

Once Upon a Time: Ever After High (Book 10)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang