Ch.21 Blade

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(Flashback) Now at the Natives campsite, the natives had finished taking the bullet out of Peter's shoulder as he held onto the rag that was pressed against his wound to stop the bleeding. But even though he had survived the shot, he still lost his son as everyone sat around the put out fire with sad looks.

"This is all my fault" Slightly said sadly "If I would of just listened to Piper and run, I would of gotten help sooner, and now he's gone because of me."

"Slightly it wasn't your fault" Wendy assured.

"Then who do we blame? Piper because he lied to Blackbeard?"

"I always knew his stupidity would get him into trouble one day" Nibs sighed.

"So what are we gonna do?" Twin 1 asked.

"What can we do?" Tootles questioned "We don't know where Blackbeard took Piper, and we don't know what he's planning on doing to him."

"We guess is most likely death" Twin 2 put in.

"So this is it?" Slightly said shocked "We can't do anything about this? We're never gonna see Piper again?"

"I refuse to believe that" Peter declared "Piper is strong and clever, he knows how to escape death."

"Yeah but he's never faced Blackbeard before-" Tootles put in "And Blackbeard doesn't leave any survivors."

"Well maybe this time it'll be different, I mean come guys, we all know him, we all know how brave he is. I know that he'll be able to survive Blackbeard, and I know that he'll come home, no matter how long it takes."


Not knowing how long he's been passed out, Piper could feel himself starting to wake up as he gave a moan while feeling a throbbing pain on his head. He tried to touch his head, only to find that his wrists had been bounded behind him and he was now in a storage area of the ship. Remembering what had happened, he gave a groan as he titled his head back against the wall.

"That was some hit" a voice suddenly said as he turned and saw Gold who leaned against the wall near him.

"You know I thought you were better than that-" he added "I mean you know it's never wise to lie to a pirate."

"Who the hell are you?" Piper said dully.

"The name's Gold deary" Gold grinned with his golden teeth "And I must say, you've been through some hell of a couple of days, first you get an evil clone, and now you're trapped on Blackbeard's ship, all because of your stupidity to lie."

"Hey I lied because I knew that pirate was up to no good" Piper frowned.

"And yet here you are because of your lie."

"Just leave me alone" he said sternly as he turned to avoid eye contact.

"Very well, I came here to help, but it's clear you don't need it."

"What do you mean you're here to help?"

"Oh so now you're listening" Gold giggled "I'm not gonna help you get out, but I can help with a way to put an end to your clone. You know that you can't harm your clone, but others can. But if you wanna do the harming yourself, then there's a certain weapon to use."

He then held out his hand as a piece of paper appeared with a drawing of the Dark One dagger. He showed it to Piper as he examined it.

"A dagger?" Piper questioned.

"Not just any dagger, it's a powerful one, powerful enough to destroy someone with darkness. It also happens to belong to me, but it's been hidden from me."

"Let me guess" he smirked "It's for a good reason?"

"That's not important right now" Gold frowned "What's important is that if you find this dagger, you will able to destroy your clone, however, you'll have to give it to me when you're done."

"Why should I trust you?"

"I'm not saying whether you should or not, it's up to you."

Just then they heard footsteps coming towards the door.

"I guess that's my que to go" Gold grinned as he used his powers to disappear.

"What a weird guy" Piper sighed just as the door slot opened as a young guy about his age walked down the wooden stairs and headed towards him with a knife in his hand.

"Oh good you're awake" he said in a slight French accent as Piper scooted away from him, not knowing is he should trust him "Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you."

He then pulled Piper away from the wall as he used his knife to cut away the bonds.

"How's your head?" he asked.

"Hurts" Piper replied dully as he rubbed his head.

"Yeah it'll get better soon" the boy said as he against a box next to him "I can keep you company if you want."

"Where exactly are we going?" Piper asked.

"I don't know, I'm just a cabin boy, the pirates don't tell me anything, and I'm always trying to plan my escape so I barely listen."

"What do you mean by 'plan your escape'?"

"Like you, I'm a prisoner aboard this ship, along with my friends. We were abducted from France a few months ago, and instead of killing us, Blackbeard made us his servants. I don't know why, but at least it's given us time to plan our escape."

"And how's it going so far?"

"Not well" he sighed "It's almost impossible to escape, Blackbeard has his eyes everywhere, if he catches you trying to escape, he will find a way to kill you. He did so with the last cabin boy that tried to escape."

"Oh damn" Piper sighed with disappointment "I am so dead."

"Hey, you're a Pan, and from what I know, Pans never fails. I've always admired your father you know, and I know just you'll be able to survive this."

"Well that depends if I don't die first."

"We'll see about that" he smirked as he held out his hand "I'm Blade by the way."

"Blade?" Piper raised an eyebrow as he shook his hand.

"It's just a nickname."

"Let me guess, because you're skilled with blades?" Piper smirked.

"Yes, plus I make swords and different kinds of blades at my father's shop."

"Cool" he said amused.

"Well, I guess I should be going now. My friends and I will be around to help as much as we can."

"Thanks" Piper said with a small smile as Blade headed out.

Knowing that he had people he could trust, all he needed to do know was plan his escape.

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