Ch.16 Root poisoning

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After a while of flying through a portal and through the night sky, the Lady Luck and everyone aboard looked ahead and spotted an island.

"Hey is that it?!" Elena pointed.

"Aye" Jane replied while steering the ship "Everyone hold on, it's time for landing."

Everyone held on as Jane steered the ship towards the water, and carefully she landed her ship into the water, causing a bump that shook everything and everyone as they held onto tight.

"My bad" she apologized.

"Oh no" Aidan said while clutching his stomach with a sick look "Here's come my sea sickness."

And with that he limped his body over the edge and moaned in pain.

"I'll get him some water" Darling offered with a sigh.

"Mateys" Jane announced "Welcome to Neverland."

Everyone looked ahead and saw the island of Neverland under the full moon which gave enough light for them to see the trees and the shore.

Everyone looked ahead and saw the island of Neverland under the full moon which gave enough light for them to see the trees and the shore

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"It looks creepy" Terrence commented as he started to get an uneasy feeling.

"Neverland may seem like a haven everyone wants to go-" Jane said "But it's also dangerous if you're not careful, and it's gotten more dangerous ever since Piper disappeared. So if I were ye guys, I'd carry a weapon."

At that point Terrence pulled out a sword from a barrel. Jane then steered the ship towards the bay next to the Jolly Roger as the anchor was placed down.

"Alright mateys" Jane spoke up "First some ground rules, Neverland may seem like a magical place, but it's not like Ever After. This place has it's danger, and if you're not careful, you could die. So, if ye wanna live, don't go into the waters at night, don't go into the Crocodile's grotto, if you see briar thorns that ooze out black fluid, stay away from it. And lastly, never trust a pirate unless I say ye can, savvy?"

"Savvy" everyone nodded in agreement.

"Good, now stay close, if ye get lost, I wont bother looking for ye."

"Uh, can we get off this ship now?" Aidan begged with a sick look while clutching his stomach "The smell of sea water is making wish I didn't come."


Now free from their bonds, the Wonderlandians sat on a long log as they watched as their captors started to make a fire.

"You making smores?" Lauren suddenly asked.

"No" the leader grunted.

"So when do we get to meet this guy who wants us?" Ilene asked "Because I would love to shove some firewood up his ass right now."

"You'll meet him when he wants to" the pirate frowned "Now quit talking."

She rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms.

"Hey uh, should we be doing this?" one of the pirates asked with an uneasy look "I got a sick feeling we're being watched."

"It always feels like that in Neverland" Brenden put in "You never know who's watching."

All of a sudden an arrow struck one of the pirates in the back as he collapsed to the ground as everyone's eyes widen.

"What the hell?" the leader growled as more arrows started to shoot the other pirates as they all collapsed "What is this? The Lost Boys?"

"Oh those aren't the Lost Boys matey" Amanda grinned just as an arrow hit his back as he yelled in pain before collapsing.

The Wonderlandians sat there surprised as a group of Native Americans came out from the woods as one of them went up to them with a bow and arrow in her hands.

"Looks like you folks could use some help" she smiled.

"Tiger-Lily" Christina smiled as they all stood up "Thank you, you really saved our asses."

"No problem" she giggled "But, what's going on?"

"To make a long story short-" Brenden explained "These pirates kidnapped us from our world, we don't know why, and now their leader is probably after us now."

"Oh dear" she said nervously "Come on, you all will be safe at our camp."

And with that the Wonderlandians followed the Natives away from their now dead captors, relieved that they were finally safe.

(Flashback) Now laying against a tree near his campsite, Piper looked over the map again, wishing that he didn't have to give back the map, but ever since the pirate threatened him, he's been full of fear of what the pirate would do if he didn't return the map. But as he was lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice the pirate girl sneaking up behind him as she reached for him rum canteen that was resting against the tree beside him. She quietly opened it and quickly dumped the Night Root particles into his drink and closed the canteen as she slid back.

Piper then gave a sigh as he put the map away in his pocket and picked up his rum canteen and took a sip. But as he did, he noticed that his drink had a bit of a foul taste as he gave a small gag before getting up. And when he tried to walk to the campsite, he suddenly got dizzy as he steadied himself against a tree. The pirate girl watched with a sneaky smile as Piper got more dizzy that he felt himself collapse.

Once he felt the dizziness the go away, he gave a moan as he rubbed his head.

"Well that was a hell of a head rush" he muttered as he sat up, only to shriek when he saw a hooded figure standing in front of him.

"Uh..." he said a bit nervously "Can I help you?"

The figure said nothing.

"Um-" Piper said as he stood up "I don't know what you want, but you're already freaking me out just standing there."

All of a sudden the figure gripped onto his throat and slammed him into a tree and held him there as he began to gasp for air. Piper struggled to pry the figure's hand off him while still gasping for air.

"Who are you?!" he demanded as he pulled down the figure's hood and saw it's face.

And it's face made him even more shocked, he was expecting it to be a horrifying creature, but instead the figure had the exact same face as his.

"I'm you" the figure replied with a sneaky grin.

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