Ch.39 Sand dollar message

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Hey guys, I may not be able to update for a few days due to traveling, just letting you all know

(Flashback) Chris stood there surprised after hearing Marissa's offer, not knowing that his friend Scout had come around and spotted them as he hid and peered from behind the building and watched.

"What makes you think I'll allow you to come with me?" Chris doubted while crossing his arms.

"I know ye wont allow it-" Marissa smirked "But we can either do this thee easy way, or my way."

"And what is your way?"

"Ye wanna find out?"

"I'm guessing no. But look, I'm sorry Marissa, but my father is counting on me for this. This is the adventure of a lifetime for me, and I'm not gonna let some girly pirate get in the way of that."

At that point Marissa felt her blood boil as she stepped closer to him.

"Don't even call me girly again" she warned "Now listen hear Hawkins, I've been trying to find Treasure Island ever since me father told me about it and lost thee map. But now that I know you've had it all along, you're gonna lead me to it. Ye can have yer diamond if Jane doesn't beat ye to it, but all I want is thee booty, is that so hard to ask?"

"As a matter of fact it is" he frowned "I never trusted you you know, your father may have gained the trust of my father, but deep down, your father was still a pirate, and a traitor. And I know that you're just like him. You may just want the treasure, but I know that all pirates are greedy, for all I know you could be tricking me into getting your hands on the diamond, I know that Jane has told you about it. And I can't risk loosing the diamond, especially under my father's order. So it looks like you wont be joining me girly."

Marissa felt her face turning red with anger as he tried to walk pass her, but at that point she pulled out her gun and banged the handle on his head knocking him out as he collapsed as Scout's eyes widen.

"Very well Christopher-" Marissa frowned "I guess we'll have to do this my way."

Still at the Lost Boy's campsite, everyone sat at the wooden table as Piper paced back and forth while trying to come up with a way to find out what Pan is up to.

"Piper would you stop pacing back and forth?" Brenden plead "You're making me tired just watching you."

"Then don't watch me" Piper suggested as he stopped pacing.

"I can't, you're literally right in front of me."

Piper gave a groan while rubbing his face.

"This is ridiculous-" Courtly grunted "Amanda, can't you just turn invisible and spy on Pan?"

"I can't-" Amanda replied with a disappointment "For some reason this island is messing up my powers, if my powers had worked before, I would of teleported myself and the others off this island by now."

"It's true" Ilene agreed.

"Maybe we can-" Piper started to say when he was cut off by a fairy flying in front of his face as he gasped "Tink?!"

Everyone gasped at the fairy who flew around Piper while talking in her fairy voice.

"Yes it's me" Piper assured with a smile "And I'm fine."

Tink then spoke in her fairy voice when Piper's eyes widen.

"Wait what?!" he gasped "You know what Pan is up to?!"

"What?!" everyone gasped.

"Well what is it?" he demanded as he listened to the fairy "Are you serious?"

Everyone waited to hear the news.

"Oh my God" Piper gasped with shock.

"What?" everyone demanded as he turned to them with a nervous look.

"Remember that the Wonderlandians were abducted for their Wonder magic?" he said sadly "Well turns out Pan needs their magic to become immortal. I don't know how, but all Tink knows is that if Pan takes away their magic, they die."

Everyone gasped as they turned to the Wonderlandians who sat there in shock.

"Once he becomes immortal-" Piper added "He'll be be unstoppable and more powerful, and there will be no way to stop him."

"Bloody hell" Jane gasped.

"All of this for power and immortality?" Ilene dismayed "That's so evil."

"David and Mira better come back soon with a good solution" Darling declared "Otherwise we're screwed."


Now back in Storybrooke, following Mira's order, Meeshell made her way to Mr. Gold's shop where she went inside to see Rachel Fox, also known as C.A Cupid, daughter of Eros, and her boyfriend Any at the counter.

"Andy" Meeshell called as she went up to him.

"Hey Meeshell" he greeted "What can I do for you?"

"Actually-" she replied "It's what you can do for everyone who went to Neverland."

"You came back from Neverland?" Rachel said surprised "How is it?"

"Well I just talked to Mira and David who summoned me with the conch shell, she wanted me to give Andy this."

She held up the sand dollar and handed it to Andy.

"A sand dollar?" he questioned.

But before she could say anything, an image above the sand dollar appeared of Mira.

"Andy-" the image of her said "If you're watching this, we need your help. There's an evil clone in Neverland that we're trying to stop, and I believe that the only way we can do that is with the box, and you know which box I'm talking about. Give it to Meeshell and she'll give it to me, this is a matter between life and death."

And with that the image disappeared.

"What box is she talking about?" Meeshell asked.

"The very box" he replied with a smile as he went into the back and later came out with Pandora's Box.

"Pandora's Box?" Meeshell gasped "But, isn't that Mr. Hyde guy trapped inside it?"

"Not anymore" Rachel replied "We sent his ass back to the Monster World where he's been taken care of, he wont bother us anymore."

"Meeshell" Andy said "You know how important this box is, don't lose it."

"I know" she promised as she took the box "According to Mira, it's a matter of life and death. Thank you."

"Good luck."

And with that she walked out with the only item that may be able to stop Pan.

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