Ch.41 Hiding

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I should be able to update regularly now

(Flashback) Now out from the storage room, Chris joined Marissa on deck where they gazed out at the water horizon.

"So you promise to let me go after I help you find the treasure?" Chris questioned.

"A promise is a promise" she replied with a slight shrug.

"How do I know I can trust you?" he put in with a concerned look.

"Ye can't, ye just gave to go with yer guts."

He gave a groan as she pulled out the map.

"What are you gonna do once you get the treasure?" he asked.

"What I always do, sell, buy, keep, repeat."

"Doesn't it get tiring after a while?"

"Eh" she shrugged.

At that point a thought came to him as he gave a sneaky smile.

"You know-" he smirked "I don't think treasure is the only reason why you're doing this. I think you're just like me, looking for an adventure."

Marissa gave a groan as she rolled her eyes.

"So that's a yes then?" he smirked.

"Shut up."

Chris gave a small chuckle, knowing that even though she wont admit it, he knew she was looking for an adventure.


Back at the English coast, after seeing everything, Scout ran as fast as he could until he spotted his friend eating a biscuit near the docks.

"Ashton!" he called as he ran to him.

"Scout what's wrong?" Ashton asked as Scout started to pant "Okay calm down first."

"I can't calm down!" Scout exclaimed "I just watched Marissa abduct Chris!"

"What?!" Ashton gasped.

"Apparently she found out about the map and she wanted to come along with Chris but he wouldn't let her, and then you know what happened."

Ashton stood there with shock.

"We gotta get him back" he declared "Your ship is done getting fixed right?"

"Yes, but we don't know how to get to Treasure Island."

Realizing he was right, Ashton quickly tried to think of an idea, and soon it came to him.

"Actually-" his face lit up "I think I know someone who can help."

As it got darker, everyone who had finished gathering firewood went back to the campsite where they started to make the fire.

"Shouldn't Peter and Wendy have gotten back now?" Tootle questioned.

"They should of" Slightly replied as he got the fire started "I don't know what's taking them so long."

As everyone got prepared for darkness, Brenden noticed Piper standing away from the group with his eyes closed as if he was doing some deep thinking. Wondering why, he went up to him and could hear Piper mumbling to himself.

"Come on" he urged himself in a whisper "Please work."

"What are you doing?" Brenden asked which startled Piper "Sorry."

"It's fine" Piper assured "I was just trying to fly, ever since I came back here my flight hasn't returned, and I still don't know why."

"Yeah it must be because of the whole staying in the real world too long. I mean when we all got stuck in Storybrooke and when our memories returned, it took a while for our magic to come back. Like Elena for example, when she broke the curse, it took a while for her magic to fully recover."

"Oh boy" Piper sighed with disappointment "Does that mean I'm gonna have to wait a long time for my flight to come back?"

"Pretty much" Brenden sighed with a shrug.

"Well I can't wait that long, I need my flight, it could really come in handy for stopping Pan."

"Well there isn't really anything we can do about it, all you can do is wait for it."

Piper gave a groan.

"Look man" Brenden said "We're all gonna help you stop Pan. I mean we got Pandora's Box now, not to mention that we all have a special touch that can help."

"I know but-" Piper replied a bit nervously "Pan is really powerful, and if he gets you and your friend's Wonder magic, there will be no way to stop him."

"And we're not gonna let him do that. My friends and I have escaped death multiple times, I mean I've been scarred by the Jabberwock, almost eaten by the Grendel, and also gotten stabbed by an evil sorcerer. And I survived it all, and so have my friends."

"Wait, you got scarred by the Jabberwock?"

Brenden lifted up the hem of his shirt to show him the scars on his side.

"Whoa!" Piper exclaimed with shock.

"Yeah a lot has happened since the curse" Brenden put in as he put his shirt down "But the point is, if we can survive monsters and sorcerers, then I know we can survive your clone."

Piper gave a nervous sigh.

"I don't know man" he sighed "I just don't feel like I can stop Pan without my parents. I have to at least see them and know that they're okay in order to me to go against Pan."

"And you will see them" Brenden assured "We don't know when they'll get here but, I'm sure they're fine."

Piper gave another sigh.

"I think I need to go take a walk" he declared.

"Uh, doesn't that seem like a bad idea?" Brenden put in with a concerned look.

"I'm not gonna go far, I just need to go somewhere to clear my mind."

But before he could head off, a thought came to Brenden.

"Hey Piper" he said "Before you go, I gotta ask, back in Storybrooke, how come you never came to us for help?"

At point Piper felt his stomach plop as he froze.

"I mean you should of seen and recognized us" Brenden added "So how come you never came to us, we could of helped you."

Piper bit his lip as he tried to hide his nervousness.

"It's a long story" he replied in sigh "And I really don't wanna talk about it."

And with that he walked off, leaving Brenden full of confusion and wonder.

"What else are you hiding Piper?" he questioned "What else?"

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