Ch.29 Upcoming death

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Taking another break as the sun started to set, everyone sat down when Terrence noticed that his brother was sweating like crazy.

"You okay bro?" he asked.

"Yeah" Aidan replied as he wiped his forehead "I'm just worried, and hot."

Realizing the venom was sinking deeper in his veins, Jane got up and spoke.

"I'm gonna get some water" she announced.

"Didn't you already get water?" Elena questioned.

"I drank it all already, Aidan, you're coming with me."

"Okay" he sighed as he followed her away into the woods and away from the group.

"How are ye feeling?" she asked him.

"I don't know" he sighed as he wiped his forehead "I'm sweating like crazy."

"Well I'm gonna get you the cure now."

"Thanks" he sighed in relief.

"Are ye ever gonna tell them?"

"Still thinking about it."

"Ye shouldn't be thinking, it's either aye or no, what's it gonna be?"

"Well it's already too late, if I tell them now they're gonna be pissed."

"Well that's yer problem mate."

He gave a groan.

"How far away is this cure?"

"It shouldn't be that far, and I suggest that once we get ye cured, ye have to tell them."

"Why do you care what happens to me?"

Jane gave a groan as she stopped.

"I never said if I did or not" she frowned "Ye may not know this, but I'm not the same pirate I used to be, and if ye were dealing with the old me right now, I wouldn't give a damn abut yer injury. But since I've changed, I'm trying to help ye survive and do the right thing. And if ye have a problem with that then go walk the plank."

Aidan looked down as he bit his lip, feeling a bit ashamed.

"Sorry" he apologized with a sigh "I guess I'm just-".

All of a sudden, he started to get dizzy as he collapsed.

"Aidan!" Jane gasped as she knelled down to see that he was sweating more while winching in pain.

Fearing the worst, she lifted up his shirt and to her horror, the venom had traveled more throughout his body.

"The venom's getting closer to yer heart" she explained with with fear in her eyes "Ye got hours now mate."

Aidan continued to winched in pain as he felt his breath began to shorten, fearing that death was closer then he thought.

"Can ye stand?" she asked.

"I don't think so" he muttered as he started to breath heavily "Just get the cure without me, I'll be fine."

"Ye sure?"

"Yes just go, and hurry."

Jane gave a nervous sigh as she took off running to get the cure, leaving Aidan behind as he could already feel the venom slowly running through his veins. Once it reaches his heart, he'll die.

(Flashback) The next day, just as Piper hoped, Abby had come back for another adventure as she and Piper strolled through the Neverwoods.

"So what do you like to do for fun?" she suddenly asked.

"Well there's lots of things" he replied "But one of my favorites is messing with Jane Hook."

"Hook?" she said astonished.

"Daughter of Captain James Hook, and just like the relationship between her father and mine, she hates my guts, and I just love screwing with her."

"Aren't you worried that she's gonna kill you someday?" she questioned with a concerned look.

"She can try to kill me all she wants, but she can't, she knows that if I die, then so does Neverland."

"Oh dear" she gasped.

"I know" he sighed "But I'm trying not to worry about that."

They then came to a stop where they sat against a tree as Piper took out his rum canteen and took a sip.

"You want some?" he offered her his canteen.

"Sure" she accepted as she took the canteen and took a sip as she cringed, feeling the rum burn her throat "That burns."

"You get used to the taste" he chuckled as he placed his canteen against the tree "So, what do you like to do for fun?"

"Well, I guess just have fun with my friends."

"You don't have a hobby?" he questioned.

"Not really, I tend to switch hobbies from time to time."

Piper raised an eyebrow.

"Well then-" he put in "What's your current hobby at the moment?"

"I guess that would have to be... exploring" she replied.

He gave a small smile, hoping to convince himself that they were just friends, he couldn't hide the fact that the more they hung out together, the more he liked her. But his thoughts were then cut short when Tinkerbell flew up to them.

"Hey Tink" Piper greeted "What brings you here?"

Since Abby couldn't understand fairy language, Tink sounded like little bells to her.

"What did she say?" she asked.

"She wants to know if you would like to go with her for a little fairy surprise?" he answered.

"A fairy surprise?" she gasped.

"Don't worry, she wont kill you" he assured as she gave a small giggle.

She then turned to Tink and got up.

"Lead the way" she offered as she followed Tink through the woods.

Not knowing how long it will be before she returns, Piper decided to take a quick nap as he stretched out his arms and put his hands on the back of his head and closed his eyes. But as he did so, he was so shut away in his thoughts that he didn't hear Jane coming up behind him as she peered at him from behind the tree.

Hoping he was asleep, she looked down and spotted his canteen as she got a sinister idea. Just like her father, she always carried around a vessel containing a deadly poison, and in this case, Dreamshade venom. Hoping that this would be the way to get rid of him, she quietly opened his canteen and poured a drop of the venom into his drink. Knowing that one drop was enough to kill, she gave a sneaky smile as she strolled off just as Abby came back, now wearing a flower crown.

"Piper" she called as he opened his eyes.

"That was quick" he remarked.

"All the fairies wanted to do was meet me and give me this lovely crown" she smiled while motioning her crown "What do you think?"

"Beautiful" he smiled as he got up and picked up his canteen "Come on."

As they hiked through the woods, Jane watched from a distance as Piper held onto his canteen, hoping that this time, she'll win.

Once Upon a Time: Ever After High (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now